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Important - Callaway ball upgrade

rated by 0 users
Sun, Aug 18 2013 1:56 AM (131 replies)
  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Sat, Jul 27 2013 6:50 AM

    So I cannot call WGT criminals

    Ok, maybe I went a bit overboard right there, but altering characteristics of  clubs/balls after they have been bought at least is near criminal if you ask me. It's like buying a Ferrari and ending up with a Volkswagen Beetle...


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Jul 27 2013 7:30 AM

    WGT...bunch of criminals if you ask me. No trustworthiness AT ALL.

    Relax Rock :)   Don't bite the hand that feeds

  • drumstick66
    156 Posts
    Sat, Jul 27 2013 7:31 AM


    Dimples, Cover, Core - none of the above applies to virtual software balls I'm afraid.

    The announcement of "similar" doesn't say "better", and "same price" doesn't point to improvement either. It wakes all my paranoid nerves.

    Remember the implementation of the ATV wedges. replacing the Z Satins? That was even worse, lower quality for double price :(

    It could be the other way , get people to spend a lot on stocking up on the old balls , then hey presto the new ones are better , everyone wants them , more spending , more money in the coffers . 

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Jul 27 2013 8:29 AM

    the durability should go up on the new Callys.

    lolol....what's the betting they'll be 1/2 a dot less.

    wgt aren't criminals.....greedy as hell yes.......criminal no.

    i've yet to see a business that doesn't go belly up due to greed......wgt will most likely suffer the same fate as the players lust for over priced pixels diminishes further.

    2,580 Posts
    Sat, Jul 27 2013 8:41 AM


    lolol....what's the betting they'll be 1/2 a dot less.

    LOl, yup, thats what i have in my 1st post on page 1 TBE. Thought i would post that so we would could compare and see if this is indeed an "upgrade".


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, Jul 27 2013 8:50 AM


    i've yet to see a business that doesn't go belly up due to greed.....

    Cool story bro...

    According to a report published by the Bank of Korea on May 14, 2008 investigating 41 countries, there were 5,586 companies older than 200 years. From these 3,146 are located in Japan, 837 inGermany, 222 in the Netherlands and 196 in France.[1] 89.4% of the companies with more than 100 years of history are businesses employing fewer than 300 people.[1][2] A nationwide Japanese survey counted more than 21,000 companies older than 100 years as from September 30, 2009.[3]

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sat, Jul 27 2013 9:13 AM

    In general, doesn't "upgrade" mean better?

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Jul 27 2013 9:29 AM


    In general, doesn't "upgrade" mean better?

    Rolling around on.....;-o

    Where's my freaking dot !  (doing ok though tbh)



  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Sat, Jul 27 2013 10:03 AM

    Probably as in "upgrade" to the newer model. I hope MBaggese is right and its an upgrade with no increase in cost. BUT......I doubt it.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sat, Jul 27 2013 10:14 AM

    Because the Callaway balls are so popular among top WGT players, there will be no change in price. The balls will have very similar performance and some will even unlock a level or two earlier than they do now.

    So seems cost will be the same..I could see performance increasing a bit...but possibly a decrease in durability?