donsprintr: I left as a Master in 2010(the highest tier at the time) with 987 ranked rounds and a score average of 61.66 ... when I came back in 2012,
DT in theory only joined us June 2013
Granted, not many people make Legend at level 30 anymore that I'm aware of ...
And I'm far and away not considering myself prodigiously talented.
Granted LOL. I was not accounting for that anomaly, and I doubt it was thought of. It's now so easy to get to L30. I would not have blamed some one like you letting WGT know you intended to restart bearing in mind the special circumstances, whilst obviously agreeing to the set terms, and working through again per the rules. Your decision was to go with it, and fair enough your decision, and I would probably done the same.
I very much doubt DT had that in mind bearing in mind he only (in theory cough) joined us June this year. Your point of order accepted, but in the context of the statement made I think I am still OK :)
I feel bad for those who make legend and tour master at level 30