DynamiteTommy:I feel bad for those who make legend and tour master at level 30
You have the better of me. Please name a couple of these prodigiously talented souls.
DynamiteTommy:it's a tough thing and you have to go against people with nice club sets and easier shot approaches.
At level 30 ef yeah off the grown up tees lol...........You are L82 LOL, and the Pro Shop is brimming with stuff you could compete with, whilst really learning the tips. The R11 is round the corner to and etc
DynamiteTommy:That's why we must keep telling wgt to make the New Max Wedges available to all Legends instead of levels.
You do talk silly. The R11 irons are the best, and the Bladez almost as good. Threads available on the new HL Max set. EDIT: And BTW do you seriously think WGT will open up everything to any new L63 Legend? (clue they are a FOR PROFIT BUSINESS)
DynamiteTommy:because it's impossible to play if you legend before level 79/90
As said you are L82...Loads stuff that other's play very well with - utter rot!
DynamiteTommy:It's not a tough science to comprehend
Seems it is for you, but as said earlier the sandbagging mentality has different needs........
EDIT: Level 82 XP 237615 Level 84 XP 275515 Level 89 XP 428488 Level 90 XP 486988 - That's now a very fair compromise for business v player needs. Daily XP plus a few Par3 tourneys in your CC a day (12 minutes a tourney) if you really wanted to go at it - math easy. L90 R11 irons are best but the L79 Bladez are very close. Choices, but since the last down time the company now has a good balance.