Being ripped off or being burnt are terms most generally associated to individuals that are more liberal in their views than conservative. A player, or any person for that matter, with a more conservative outlook understands his actions and decisions are his/her responsibility and excepts wins, losses and consequences as their duty. Whereas those with a liberal mindset tend more to blame and find fault in excuse for poor decisions and want something they have yet to earn.
I've spent a good some of money during the last few months on WGT in upgrading my equipment and purchasing better golf balls, but in every instance it was My Choice to do so. For me it's a great entertainment value. Remember, it is always your choice to spend money, there is no forcing. In fact you can use "free" club sets and "free" golf balls and it won't cost you a dime. --- Good golfing.
Hubie, with all due respect, you've sliced this one out of bounds.
May I offer you a more accurate definition of "liberal"...
"...not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry."
May all your drives and approaches be straight. An open mind is desirable, but not an open clubface. I fear you're blocking out on the downswing, causing you to push everything to the right.