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Wed, Oct 20 2010 2:30 PM (107 replies)
  • theshortdriver
    138 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 11:44 AM

    I do not really mind the new tiers and updates at all as some things that wgt ads on is great,,but the more pressing prob rght now..front and center is the glitch where one quits all are froze out..even if one quits while waiting for game to we get there to coursewe are also froze..this is not fair at all to players that want to play others and... do not is ok if you got players that do not quit..but how many rounds  have really been played with not a quitter in the bunch..we all know there is a lot on here..wgt needs to fix this now..before anything was fine b4 the last upgrade...who dropped the ball and created this clitch...that effects all of us o this site

  • cozmozogg
    167 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 12:25 PM

    uh oh. perhaps i should clarify: "well said andyson, on the last sentence, that most of just want to have fun"... i don't wanna be on anyone's S list:)

  • cozmozogg
    167 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 12:31 PM

    well said theshortdriver... on all of it [just to clarify] - and don't forget the beer in the pro shop! [oh, and i mention green speed choices [or lack of in multiplayer rounds], whenever i get the chance...cough]. did i already mention the beer?

  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 1:08 PM

    Richard, I'm not going to argue about this. I like the changes, I just feel WGT created a situation where by players of lesser ability are ABLE to shoot lower scores than Legends with the same clubs from shorter tee boxes. You can obviously see how that is complete nonsense, right? Back tees are no big deal you say? Been there done that? I agree, you were there in trying to qualify for the Open. Please though don't tell me your best score 68 qualifies you to speak on all things Legend. That was 5 shots off the cut line, after how many attempts? So, you basically make my point for me. Nothing personal bro, I can understand how you would like to see things stay just the way they are. The new ball is a total farce imo, way too much per sleeve for the very small increase in distance. Tag another 15 yards to it and drop the cost back to the gi-sd ball. Hey WGT, not cool pushing us back to the tips, then want us to pay a ridiculously high price for balls that really are of no benefit. JB

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 1:20 PM

    I'm not responding to you're rebuttal either.

    OK, good, I'll just ignore the previous 7 lines of text you didn't write.

    You haven't personally attacked me yet, but WGTsky will be notified of this thread and you're off-topic post to me so you don't get this thread locked like the last one.

    Note to self:  posting a valid opposing view to a valid post will be considered off-topic.  Stop doing that.

    And I already responded to Ironking and JB. They took care of nothing. The black tees aren't nothing. Been there, done that.

    Thanks for not responding to my rebuttal.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 1:40 PM

    uh oh. perhaps i should clarify: "well said andyson, on the last sentence, that most of just want to have fun"... i don't wanna be on anyone's S list:)

    LMAO cozmo!  thanks.

    BTW, the beer in the pro shop, will that be available by tier or by level? ;>)

  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 2:12 PM

    Will legend players be forced to drink the stale draft beer? Per orders from Mr. WGT? lol j/k JB

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 2:17 PM

    I just feel WGT created a situation where by players of lesser ability are ABLE to shoot lower scores than Legends with the same clubs from shorter tee boxes.

    Then you're game needs work as a Legend player. If Bollox and the other Deviation members can do it, so can you, that's all I'm saying. Watch Bollox's scores plummet when he dials-in that new ball.

    I'm not able to shoot a 60 or less like the Legend tier players are doing, and I have the same clubs as most Legend players, if I was able to shoot scores like a Legend, I'd be in the Legend tier. Why do you guys think WGT moved the better players to a longer tee-box? It's not suppose to be a driver, wedge to the green like it was when you guys were in the Master tier.

    And please, spare everyone the sad drivel about how everyone who isn't a Legend player, don't understand what their going through since the change. That's making you and others sound like an incapable elite player. We all get it.

    Shooting a 68 from the "Tips" isn't a bad score at all. You guys are setting your bars to high for yourselves and when you can't compete, you guys feel like your being cheated. Stop trying to shoot a 57 and just play the game. What's wrong with that?

    WGT is starting to introduce new things in the pro shop for the Legend tier. Everyone in the Legend tier who needs new equipment to score better should give the change at least six months before making a brash opinion of it.

  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 2:37 PM

    Richard, that's my point I'm not a great  player, period. I have moments that are good, not great or legendary by any stretch. You have never heard  me utter any words in this forum about ME being able to play this game at a high level. I was in the middle of the pack as a master, and as a legend now I'm most certainly in the bottom 25%. Btw my ave. has never been lower than 64. Most of the top players think new ball is a joke and don't use it, nobody playing Ryder Cup matches are playing it. My final post on this. ( I hope) We will just have to disagree on this subject, no hard feelings I hope. JB

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 2:58 PM

    Agreed JB.