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Wed, Oct 20 2010 2:30 PM (107 replies)
  • mrshazam
    126 Posts
    Sun, Oct 3 2010 1:17 PM

    I play to meet new golfing friends,,,so I accept a lot of match play,,,with golfers of less ability. Hopefully, I can help them a little,,,in understanding the game...But WGT why is it,,,with a !.8 putting average,,,I three ,, four putt from within 3 feet...It is painfully obvious that the outcome of my round is influenced not by my abilities,,,but Wgt's need to artifically influence the game...SO sad,,,I handle defeat rather well,,,yet with so many,,,feel absolute frustration with your set-up...I can go on and on,,,it is more then obvious that any skills I may develope here mean nothing...can't understand your business mind,,,because,,,I've limited my $$$ investment into a game,,,I cannot control...I've also noticed many,,,many more,,,would think the same...

  • cozmozogg
    167 Posts
    Sun, Oct 3 2010 1:35 PM

    i think the same mrshazam - i miss 50% of my 10 foot putts because of tournament green speeds. its very frustrating. some say the faster greens level the playing field. i could care less because i dont play tournaments. why cant we simply have the choice of playing slow/reg/fast/very fast/tournament/championship green speeds in multiplayer? this is SUCH a great game, but i have 3 major problems: multiplayer quitting freezes the remaining players, cant choose green speeds in mulitplayer, and no beer in the pro shop. i really wish they could fix these things!

  • GoldCard
    298 Posts
    Sun, Oct 3 2010 1:47 PM


    ironking34 has said it in 1. bring out a legends driver so we can compete with the rest and i think you might find a lot less posts about the negative changes that have affected mainly the top tier players. to make a change to stop a minority that hinders a majority is not the way to do it. 

    Why would wgt bring out a Legends only driver?

    Most players would not be of high enough level to buy it for a long time if ever?

    And with wtg's track record, you would need to get  second job to afford it.

    And all for an xtra couple of yards lol

    This site has been destroyed by the new tier system.

    WGT needs to LEVEL up with it's paying customers before making upgrades based solely on profit!

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, Oct 3 2010 6:40 PM

    It seemed that some Legend players couldn't keep-up with other Legend players and they needed an equipment boost.

  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Sun, Oct 3 2010 10:41 PM

    Richard? c'mon just cause your scores look a little better now how would you really score from the tips? Lucky to break par and I'm not being mean. Get real bro. btw I love the new challenge, but not gonna listen to lesser players speak on issues of which they have no clue of what their talkin about. JB

  • ironking34
    749 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 12:11 AM

    No one heard Bollox, or AvatarLee asking for a new ball, and their scores since the change didn't seem to say otherwise either. Those guys set the bar at WGT, if they can do it, every Legend player can do it. Practice more ladies and gentlemen.

    FYI.....Bollox refuses to play ready-go tourneys because he won't play someone that is getting an unfair advantage.  If you don't believe me go check his score history, you won't see any recent ready-go score posted.  I'm sure he would still win his share if he was playing but the fact of the matter is it's tough to post good scores and still get beaten by players that have the same clubs as you but they are hitting from a much easier tee.  Practice won't help you on BP12 (have 17 MPH winds behind me and still couldn't clear the bunkers) won't help you on KW front 9.....the game is flawed that's the point......with all that said I still relish the challenge and have still won some ready go tourneys.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 5:42 AM

    but not gonna listen to lesser players speak on issues of which they have no clue of what their talkin about.

    Why do you Legends keep saying this?

    I've played the "Tips" just like a lot of other members have. Remember the Virtual Opens? I was able to score a 68 from the "Tips" on both Open courses. It took a while, but it can be done for anyone who puts in the practice. The "Tips" aren't all that impossible to concur JB. I'll get there. 

    Also, the Tour Master tier has a monthly tournament that plays from the black tees as well. And now everyone can play a practice round from the black tees under different course conditions.

    I know what I'm talking about bro.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 5:55 AM

    King, there's more to this game then Ready-Go's. Bollox and other top players' scores  reflect that the Legend tier can be played by most members at when the time comes. 57's and 58's are being achieved in the Legend tier. The new Legend ball will certainly make better scoring more prevalent.

  • Bendeswede
    95 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 7:21 AM

    Have today started play 5 games and all frozen because one of the players quit..... this is very aggrevating. WGT talk about Vapor Balls, Legend Balls....Legend clubs and that is all bull! It is also very unimportant. Only the Legends feel so sorry for what have happend to them. WGT must start caring about the game console itself, and ALL the players.

    When is WGT going to set the game back to where they were one year ago. We all enjoyed playing and we all had fun.

    The fun is no longer in the game after all the idiotic changes made by WGT. No wonder WGT is losing money with all the BS the have created...... Many players have quit and that is WGT's own fault period. I don't want to hear WGT's silly excuses. Reset the game to where you were 12 months ago and let us have peace and joy when we play. The dumbest thing WGT ever did was to change to TOURNAMENT putting speed. Doesn't excist in the real gold world.

    From what I have seen here I now understand that the WGT's personel have never been on a real golf course nor have they ever played real golf.

    6 not need your advise......   Bendeswede

  • atadad
    14 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 7:51 AM

    Practice more my ass! The guys who shoot in the 50s every time out have figured a way to remove the human element. That is why i have given up on WGT. Everyone seem to be worried about stepping on toes and saying  the word cheat. I say if it quacks and waddles call it a duck and let the chips fall where they may. I have been playing since the only course was Kiawah.  But now it is just no fun so WGT will never get another dime off my credit card even if they offer bazokas and rocket propelled balls.

    I to am a single digit handicap in real life. Been playing 40 years and know enough about the game to know no one at any level has a perfect round every day.