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Wed, Oct 20 2010 2:30 PM (107 replies)
  • cozmozogg
    167 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 8:16 AM

    games, on any platform, will always be able to be perfected. i am happy with not getting froze out and choosing 1 of 6 green speeds in multiplayer games [neither of which is currently possible]... if there were a few more courses available, that would be even cooler [and beer in the pro shop!!!]

  • seanobrien
    296 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 8:44 AM


    King, there's more to this game then Ready-Go's. Bollox and other top players' scores  reflect that the Legend tier can be played by most members at when the time comes. 57's and 58's are being achieved in the Legend tier. The new Legend ball will certainly make better scoring more prevalent.



    No the legend ball won't. It is rubbish for the price

  • atadad
    14 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 8:46 AM

    It would be impossible to perfect the inconsistent jerky meter I am forced to play.That is why I am convinced some have found the way to cheat. Which is no skin off my ass. It just gives everyone else no chance in the tournaments. Maybe a couple of virtual beers would change my outlook.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 8:57 AM


    Don't shoot me for my opinion Andy.  : )

    Really no need to Rich. jb and ironking took care of it already, but I'll give it a try anyway. LOL.

    No one heard Bollox, or AvatarLee asking for a new ball,

    I heard Bollux say: "Had they given legends the option to buy slightly better equip than TM's about 1/2 of the b*tching  following the update would of never happened." here.  Seems he's in the better clubs camp.

    AvatarLee hasn't said much about anything in the last month with just 9 posts in the forums, none about the tiers/levels change.  I think he's got a life outside WGT

    Unless one is psychic,  a POV based on what people haven't said is weak at best.

    Those guys set the bar at WGT, if they can do it, every Legend player can do it. Practice more ladies and gentlemen.

    I disagree, not every Legend player has the reflexes or shot memory of those guys.  As I've said before, I'm realistic and know there is always someone better than me at whatever so I don't set a goal to be the best, just the best that I can be.  While having fun.

    Which brings me back to the OP's point and echoed by many on this forum in the last month.

    There is no joy in this game anymore, it is a chore to play.

    Not all people here are gamers and need or want to be the best.  The vast majority just want to have fun.




  • hognutz
    127 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 9:00 AM

    bud lite for me please

  • cozmozogg
    167 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 9:11 AM

    well said andyson:)

  • gobbog
    150 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 9:15 AM


    It would be impossible to perfect the inconsistent jerky meter I am forced to play.That is why I am convinced some have found the way to cheat. Which is no skin off my ass. It just gives everyone else no chance in the tournaments. Maybe a couple of virtual beers would change my outlook.

    A couple of cheaters have been found, who knows how many more there are. This was a major discussion a while ago. I guess WGT can't do anything about the problem, so they don't really like to talk about it.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 9:40 AM

    well, there you go again Andy. BTW, are you the official speaker for the Legend tier? If anyone disagrees with anyone from the Legend tier, you're quick to defend them.





  • mrshazam
    126 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 10:19 AM

    Again,,,pure,,,absolute,,,WGT FUNK,,,and an example of Bull Crap...Just lost a match in extra holes,,,I can handle the loss,,,but in this fashion proves to me once again,,that WGT controls the outcome of the game...My putting skills where good enough to hole 3 seperate putts from over 20 feet each,,,yet I four putted from inside two feet,,,3 putted from inside 3 feet,,,two putted twice from inside four feet,,,twice I hit the meter square on putts that were dead on,,,yet my ball moved outside the hole...ABSOLUTE HORSE HOCKEY,,,WGT SUCKS,,,and I'll continue to bash this insult to golf... 

  • theshortdriver
    138 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 11:26 AM

    You do sound like quite the whinner mrs..wgt does not controll outcome of your game ..only you just missed the putts ..plain and simple..blame yourself ..not wgt