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Wed, Oct 20 2010 2:30 PM (107 replies)
  • showtime73
    114 Posts
    Fri, Sep 3 2010 3:34 PM

    ready go's are for masters only now..gonna need a new account to win them..woot woot


  • Ahntrio3
    10 Posts
    Fri, Sep 3 2010 5:54 PM

    The changes have really taken the fun out of this game.  I might as well go and suck on a real course.  Dumbasses.

  • dirtyduck1000
    17 Posts
    Fri, Sep 3 2010 5:56 PM

    i loved  and still love this game. the only point i don't like, is a master who has purchased the longest hitting driver before the change. can now hit much further than a legend who has the same club and does not yet have the chance to improve to a longer hitting club. that hits home more when i am 50 yards or more further back . hope this is something that the devs have looked at already, if not ill just have to lump it. remember tho. this is a beta and until you try something you don't if it works. great game guys.


  • lkennedy
    194 Posts
    Fri, Sep 3 2010 9:37 PM

    What, in my 2000+  rounds makes you folks at WGT think that I belong with the cream of the crop?  I'm not even a Legend in my own mind.  You have access to my entire scoring history.  You will find a sub 60 round exactly once, and that was when you reversed the Pro and Master tees last August.  I didn't even bother trying to qualify at Oakmont or Andy's.  I can't putt at warp speed.

    I'm not trying to win a lot of credits.  I usually forfeit the weekly single plays after the first lost ball.  Like most of these people, I play for fun, relaxation and friendship.  That, for now, has ended with me spotting my buddy 20 yards off the tee and both of us 3 putting more often than not.

    I'm not advocating anarchy, but for my part, I will not play a single stroke for the 24 hour period beginning Sunday morning in the hopes that things will be better on Monday's weekly fare.  That's about a buck's worth of balls I'll be saving.  I hope you guys can fade the loss.

    For you guys who want to call me a whiner or whatever, I don't wanna hear it.  I've paid my dues and put in my time.  I just want the fun that this site offerred when I first became addicted.  There, I feel better now...

  • Harley3
    1 Posts
    Sat, Sep 4 2010 12:05 AM

    I agree. It used to be a possibilty of winning even .25 but now there is just no way. And you those of you shooting in the 60's...YOU SUCK!

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Sep 4 2010 6:00 AM

    What, in my 2000+  rounds makes you folks at WGT think that I belong with the cream of the crop?  I'm not even a Legend in my own mind.  You have access to my entire scoring history.  You will find a sub 60 round exactly once, and that was when you reversed the Pro and Master tees last August.  I didn't even bother trying to qualify at Oakmont or Andy's.  I can't putt at warp speed.

    My feelings exactly.  The Acme Dynamite just blew up in your hand.


  • et1pete
    4 Posts
    Sat, Sep 4 2010 6:43 AM

    not true, since change, many good players r getting exess stutter in thier gameplay,there r a couple more issues that interfere with the running of the game that WGT also need to address ASAP, or face losing a lot of revenue, by people leaving the game through it being unplayable to a degree which is annoying! rather than fustruting or  challenging,. IT JUST SPOILS THE GAME

  • showtime73
    114 Posts
    Sat, Sep 4 2010 9:55 AM

    wgt=world goof tour..same old meter skips ..they say its our fault,however after the 1st update the other day the meter was skipping almost every shot..they shut the site down 5 min. and it was ok again..they must have a revenue dial..they must have a certain amount of lost balls they if you get a meter skip from the black t's ..2 stoke penalty if your ball isnt lost..damn near $1000 dollars of my own money spent,countless hours and damn near 3000 rounds played and this is the reward..thank you very much...a new definition to coin a phrase...who needs enemies with friends like you 

  • Rightin
    1,248 Posts
    Sat, Sep 4 2010 11:28 AM


    I do read the forum posts


    You must have just started reading forum posts today :)

     Go back and read posts for the last several months many people have been pissing & moaning because the same handful of people were consistently winning tournaments. What did a lot of these same " unimpressed players" want to avoid that? .. MORE TIERS ... we have them now. When WGT added the pro & master tiers last year, an awful lot of people got bumped up into a tier that they probably weren't ready for. It sucks, but the only way to avoid that would be to start everybody over from scratch credits, starter equipment, etc.   

    t's a simple formula - if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


       Again, read the forums ! the last 2 months alone, there have probably been a couple hundred posts about quitters & sandbaggers.

       Adding levels will work to cut down on both of those, in my mind. In order to unlock better equipment, one is going to have to PLAY .. and finished mutli-player rounds will add to your level more so than single-player rounds .... should, and i repeat, SHOULD cut down on the number of people that bail on matches.

       I don't know what affect the changes will really have on the sandbagging issue ... I think we will always have that .... and i really could care less. And I think that people's fears of lower tiered players having superior equipment isn't going to be much different than it is now.

       An example of that was shown to me a week or so ago. I played a MPC with some amateur ( 88ish avg.) This guy had played a grand total of 3 ranked rounds ... in early May..enough to gain the amateur status and, as such, he had purchased the Rapture pro set. ..255 yrd driver from the ladies tees is more than a little advantage over any pro/master. At least with the new system of levels, that same player is going to really have to put in some serious playing time before he/she can unlock the better equipment( and more than likely will advance tiers as well).

        WGT just released the new tiers/levels today and let's face it .. change hurts, sometimes. Complaining about it, or threatening to leave the game just seems a little premature to me.

     Sorry for being so long-winded ... I'm not normally. I just think people should actually give the new system a chance before condemning it.



    Greens speeds do not change because of average,handi cap, or ranking in the real game of golf, which this WGT game is trying to simulate,,,,, To condem this game seems unjust for a few I know.    But in thinking of what will become of the game of golf, on this site, is transpiring before our eye's, in WGT's logic the changing of rank and tiers will improve and give all a fair advantage,,Well golf is set up on a handi cap system,,, you play to that, your handi cap,,, It would be easy to have tourneys for pros or masters, and now even legends,, and let us play the same green speeds together as in real Golf.   But now WGT has taken that away from us and calls it a fairness to all,,,,   I don't think so,,,,,,, I think they just opened a door, to other high ranked player who will now be moving to, and opening other accounts on this site, so they can compete once again, and for what ever reason,,,I won't go there!!!,,,,, it is easy to open more than one account, I myself have played on this site against others who are doing this, it is not right,  and also it is my nature not to, as I love the game of golf and what it has stood for in it's respect of the game, I love the true meaning of this sport we call Golf,,,,,, but you can bet money or credits,,,,there are many now doing this,, and yes even more because of these last changes WGT have made,,,,,, You keep playing and changing how a game is to be played and mess with a persons fun time, or enjoyment and they will leave,,, and worse yet, they will just see this as another money making scam, and do whatever they can to find a way to beat the system,,,,,  Don't get me wrong,,,, I enjoy playing the game of Golf and I have enjoyed playing on this site.  

    The tiers were OK,,, but to change the green speeds was a great mistake I feel,,, but I do play real golf, and the green speeds there, at best only change when I play different courses,,,,but still remain the same for all in that days play,  No matter what the handi cap is for each player,,,,Hummm      

     Yes this is, and becoming more of a gambling site and us who want to play golf for it's true reward,,,,need to think seriously about that.  

    I have been playing on this site for more than a year, I have put my share of money into this game in buying equipment so I can reach my best in it's rankings to become a Master.   And to play this game Golf with others for the fun of just competing.    They now, or I should say they change again the way this game is to be played only to benifit there bank, It seems.   I wished, I was wrong, but as I read these forum post by other,,, I see what is much like the politics of the day,,, confuse the masses and they WGT will overcome.  I hate to speak like this,,, but I have seen this in many other games played.   

    My apologies to all the real golfer on this site, that I have may have offended,,,but this is no longer the game I remember, and that I have played four hour and had fun in doing so with others.  It is not fair to take away what we have earned, and they have done that,,, by what they call giving or moving us up in tiers or ranking. 

    Slapped across the face is what I feel,,,,,  Keep your credits WGT, give me my reward in the earning of the many friends I have made on this site,,,I pay to play on,,,,I don't need your stinking money! or credits!     Give me the same greens and opportunity to climb the ladder equally with others as in the past.  

    This game is not as easy as some would think,, we have our good days, but for the most who play it like the real game of golf,,, we have many bad days,,, a slump can take weeks to come out of,,, but we strive to overcome those times, and help each other through them. Even with the daily problems with the meter,,,and it's many monsters.     Upset? Yes I am,, Whinning?  maybe you can call it that.  But fair is not what I see happening here.  Not as golf would have it be anyway, we true golfers have a respect for the game, as should be, and honor is not given but earned, on an equal playing field for all.


  • Davgelb
    15 Posts
    Sat, Sep 4 2010 11:38 AM

    I posted this yesterday at another forum and this looks like a good forum to post it one more time. (I guess I'm kind of a throwback in thinking, why tamper with what works?) ........


    Just want to say that I've been playing for more than year.  Just for the fun of it.  No tournaments, not competing against anyone except myself.  Now I'm suddenly unable to hit my driver the yardage it used to hit.  The system has downgraded my abilities even though it has rated me a Master.  You just knocked most of the fun factor out of the site for me.  I realize that I haven't been putting any money into the site but if you're looking to eliminate people like me, you've done a great job.  So long.