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Wed, Oct 20 2010 2:30 PM (107 replies)
  • iukine
    195 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 1:23 PM

    The field has been leveled, much to the chagrin of a few turkeys. Wgt made these changes from feedback by the majority of the players on this site. Some problems will have to be ironed out, so we'll be hearing more from the turkeys.  There are a few players on this site that pretty much win a lot of the tournaments and that is what they are trying to fix. Not to keep them from winning,but to give others a chance at winning also. I have a tour master rating, and I've never won a tourney. But at least now I can enter a tourney with maybe a chance at a top 10 spot. This goes for everyone here! Ther are those that will come back with some clever comment or some kind of personal attack on any that appear to be for this change, don't let that discourage any that agree with this change,it is for the better.

  • wizbang360
    411 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 1:38 PM

                                 I have  not respnded to your idiocy in a very long time,   thought to myself let sleeping dogs lie,   but yet again you say something that NEEDS a response.


    Most of the negative comments are coming from people who have trouble playing the game, or are now unable to cheat the game.

                         that kind of blanket statement is  rediculas,  I for one dont like playing on champianship greens EVERY round,   does not make the game fun when you three putt a hole you normally birdie! It Will get tiersome in the very near future,  I have over 100$ into this game  and I would hate to have to walk away from it , fun, no play!

          Oh  and  by the way,  legend ( not a sandbagger) and I only have one account, so  I am NOT a cheat and detest people that think as generally as you do.          

  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 1:43 PM

    Around 10am-1pm PT we experienced an issue with our hosting company that affected multiplayer games and some dropped.  Sorry for the inconvenience, this has been fixed now. 

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 1:53 PM

    Who are the people who "have trouble playing the game"? 

    The people who have to use cheating software to win.

    I meant no ill-fate to the "Legend" tier. /sigh



  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 2:02 PM

    Come on wiz, you don't have to call names. You misunderstood my post completely, like you always do.

    How did everyone get that wrong? I'm not accusing the "Legend" tier of anything either.

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 2:34 PM


    Most of the negative comments are coming from people who have trouble playing the game, or are now unable to cheat the game.

    I have not seen anything from WGT to show that any of the updates specifically addressed cheat prevention measures. Have you read something that I missed? Not being sarcastic, just wondering what lead you to this train of thought, that some are now unable to cheat.

     I base it on the known cheat that was uncovered, which to me showed that at least some of the known software is un-checked or un-detectable by WGT. If that has changed, I'd love to see it declared by WGT, but haven't. Did I miss it somewhere, or are you assuming there were changes made to prevent it?

  • mrshazam
    126 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 4:01 PM

    As a Master,,,I can't remember the last time I played a match under par...Now if I have enough experience in WGT eyes to promote me to this level,,,I must have a understand of the game...So is this a complaint,,,I hit a perfectly good tee shot,,,that ends up in a bunker,,,yards away from where I played my ball,,,no funky hop,,,or crazy crosswind,,,ends up in a place that has me thinkin,,," what the hell, " Note I playing a stroke match at even par at the time...So I can't green,,,,but I get out cleaning,,,so now my third shot is a tricky little pitch,,,I pull the trigger,,,and the meter flies a mile now i have another wasted shot,,,through no fault of may owe,,,crap like this happens all the time,,,I know golf is a fickle game,,,but all to often,,,a perfectly good shot ends up with an obscence result,,,where do my skills show up,,,I'm battling a game with flaws...II brings this up,,,and I'm complaining,,,yet will anybody from Wgt every take the time to explain to me,,,why,,,NO,,,so there lies my frustration,,,when are you rewarded for good shot,,,,down hill putts and chips that don't get to the hole,,,but give them that little extra and they go a mile past...Please explain




  • cozmozogg
    167 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 4:57 PM

    welcome to the master tier mrshazam - you are right. i am not sure if this also happens to pro tier players, but since i made master, some dinged shots fly left or right of the hole 10 yards with a 3mph crosswind, some putts i hit 6 feet go 25 feet - level with the hole, and some chips hit at almost full meter with a 15-20% lie go 2 inches. i say some because 9 of 10 do what i expect [with the exception of the greens, where i never know WHAT will happen. and god help me if i miss the ding by a millimeter... but 1 hole is enough to ruin the fun. i am patiently awaiting the announcement that new and improved "fun" of the game fixes are near:)

  • cozmozogg
    167 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 5:24 PM

    this may [or may not] help:

    from jakestanfill7: Are 15-20 yard deviations on dinged shots an intentional part of the game or actual programming issues? 1.BPB Hole #10.  12 tailwind dead behind.  176 to hole.  I dinged full 175 with full BS and ball didn't even make the green.  Flew exactly 152 yards. I don't have as much of an issue with green mapping as I do 20 yard deviations, but please advise if we should be submitting reports for this type of stuff or just take it as a built in part of the game. I know there is an element of randomness but this seems a bit much.  After over 3500 rounds (ranked, MP, practice) I'm pretty sure how "excellent" shots should react. The whole point of the post is trying to figure out if these 15 yd deviations are programmed intentionally or bugs.

    from richard4168: I don't believe WGT will respond to people in the forums that can potentially make the game look bad, or look like there's a flaw somewhere.

    from rdoehring: ...then maybe WGT should stop taking our hard earned money so readily and start answering some legitimate questions about the programming they apply to this product.

    from ivietri: What are you looking to achieve with all the ranting  .... Eagles on every hole ?

    from zakibsen: Forget the shots where I get it wrong, it's the ones where the supposedly impossible happens (a dinged shot straight into a 15-20 mph wind and a level green that goes further than the club's maximum).

    from oneputtdavid: "Golf is a game to be played, not won".

    from unibooboo: As far as i can tell no one has mentioned Elevation.  This is one of the major factors in shot distance.

    from bolloxinbruges: I can't say I have more than 1 or 2 fifteen yard deviations per month. With the high spin balls/clubs and any winds, a tiny amount of backspin, say 2/3 vs 3/4 can have a huge impact. I've literally never once seen a dinged drive deviate 15 yards into a sidewind.  You know when you adjust the aim, you are adjusting the angle at which the wind is impacting the ball right right?  Not to mention the off center camera angles.

    from me: when i first joined [a month ago], i came to respect forum posts by players like niv/y. jim/richard/bollox/a. lee/iconian/smason/andyson/snaike/alex and other great players/posters who helped me to be better as a player AND understand the game. you guys are truly the elite and for that u deserve respect. what about the rest of us? those of us who want to be "great", [maybe not to the extent that andyson does - no offense andy], enjoy the game, and still have fun? while i respect the fact that your +/- .0002% dings make a diff in your shots, the rest of us hope for better "improvements" like match play, scorecards, stats, tiers, replays, equip, and yes [i know], avatars.

  • Mem11
    199 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2010 9:14 PM

    I'm with Wiz & Andy on this concerning the Legends tier.

    It just isn't any fun playing on the Championship Greens all the time, it's too much like work.  I figured I'd get used to them like I did with the very fast greens when I 1st made Masters, but I've had enough practice in the Open Tourney's to know that these things are just diabolical.

    Add that to the fact that the tees have been moved back a good 20 or 30 yards on every hole, with no possibility of upgrading my driver for the foreseeable future and the fun is gone.  Hell if I get a sideways wind or worse on 3 of the par 3's at Kiawah I have to tee of with my 235 yard 3 Wood...

    I'm going to give it a few weeks and see how they adjust things, but if the frustration level stays were it is, I'll be playing less and less...