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Wed, Oct 20 2010 2:30 PM (107 replies)
  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2010 12:10 AM

    For all you "Legend's"; not even in your own mind types, who don't believe you should be, not what I wanted to be, to hard to compete now, don't believe in your abilities, that can't/don't want to quit ('cause you are all addicted) heres a tip for you. Start anew w/new user name (wgt will just "WINK" at that, mo money, mo money, mo money) Remember what wgt said, when new tiers, equiptment, changes, gizmos, smizbos, were introduced, I qoute "not much has been implemented to curtail sandbaggers or cheaters. Did you not read that with their introduction of the New and Improved guildlines? Bottom line, wgt is in it for the bucks, PERIOD...... Capitolizm at its finest...... WGT I believe you should really take in consideration who/whom is paying the bills. You have a great product please, please don't F.I.UP...... ps, wgtadmin where do I get my 25% discounted equiptment you advertized on my e-mail? Its not in the proshop.

  • CharlemagneRH
    1,054 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2010 12:20 AM

    Remember what wgt said, when new tiers, equiptment, changes, gizmos, smizbos, were introduced, I qoute "not much has been implemented to curtail sandbaggers"

    I hadn't read that thread, but thanks for the quote.  Some people simply refuse to understand that legends will not be able to compete with sandbaggers, and I think that quote pretty much explains WGT's attitude thus far in regards to the issue, which only serves to justify the fact that I am dropping my legend account in favor of sandbagging -- something that WGT, for whatever reason, doesn't seem to want to address.  I don't think it has anything to do with money, but probably rather a lack of understanding when it comes to knowing how to solve the problem.  Until WGT finds a way to fix the problem, (something that I could easily fix, sadly,) I'm not wanting to be the victim of sandbaggers.  There's a lot of masochists out there calling for my banishment over it, but who knows... half of them are probably just mad because I'm bringing to everyone's attention a new strategy that can be used to win a lot of RG's, which they were hoping to be alone in employing, or at least not see dozens of others also doing it.

  • ironking34
    749 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2010 12:47 AM

    I know that I'm going to ruffle a few feather now but my only gripe with WGT is that they didn't introduce a Legend's Driver with the new tier upgrade.  The green speed is something that we will get use to sooner or later but hitting from so far back and not being able to use wedge at least half as much as before is just not fair.  Then again take a look at the current month's leaderboard and you'll still see 90 percent of the people on there are legends so it can't really be as big as everyone is making it out to be.  We need a Legend's Driver and we'll be fine mainly for our score to remain low.  If it remains like this then the days of the averages in the 50's should be over.  If someone if able to average in the 50's now then they should be the true legend.

  • dirtyduck1000
    17 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 2:24 AM

    ironking34 has said it in 1. bring out a legends driver so we can compete with the rest and i think you might find a lot less posts about the negative changes that have affected mainly the top tier players. to make a change to stop a minority that hinders a majority is not the way to do it. 

  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 4:06 AM


    ironking34 has said it in 1. bring out a legends driver so we can compete with the rest and i think you might find a lot less posts about the negative changes that have affected mainly the top tier players. to make a change to stop a minority that hinders a majority is not the way to do it. 

    Actually the legends are the minority. And even if they do bring out a 300+ driver many tour masters and tour pros will post enough scores to reach the level required to buy the legend 300+ driver without moving up in tier and it will be even worse for the legends playing against them. There wouldn't be too many holes that a pro or tour pro couldn't drive with a 300+ driver. Leave things the way they are. And let the legends who shouldn't have been legends learn about course management.

  • bartjones
    72 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 5:21 AM

    There wouldn't be too many holes that a pro or tour pro couldn't drive with a 300+ driver. Leave things the way they are. And let the legends who shouldn't have been legends learn about course management.

    Your advice in this regard would be more compelling if you weren't hitting off Master's tees using a master's driver.

  • Chazzz7
    53 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 6:42 AM

    Born how do i use course management if the driver i hit with leaves me 50 yds behind a master ? Using a long iron is no problem but you can't stop it on the green.


  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 6:58 AM

    I think the players who are in the Legend category already know a bit about course management.

  • sweetbakerdude
    8 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 7:31 AM


  • dirtyduck1000
    17 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 9:58 AM

    course management is fine if the greens are flat, but when you have greens that are far from it e.g. St.Andrews, then every time you hit the green it can go anywhere and you cannot control. if you have a driver that you have to be at legend level to have, what would be so bad in that. plus it would be reasonable to say that no one at any level would want to be at legend level.