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Chinese astrology

Thu, Jan 9 2014 4:59 PM (70 replies)
  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Fri, Dec 20 2013 4:21 PM

    Reason for superiority because 100% of humans need beliefs to live and survive and interact with society

    Hmmmm ... in order to have 100%, don't you need everyone, including you?????

    Your first question should be , why not you ask question. 

    A bit Aristotlic/Platonic, don't you think?

    Everything is over rated. Wisdom or truth or what ever cooks in your brain.

    Interesting ... are you not attempting to impart your "wisdom/truth"?

    Human life is jump from one illusion to another. Reality is not fun. 

    My reality is fun ... well, other than the drive to and from work!  lol.

    As long as humans can forget time , he is happy.

    Hmmm ... since I'm not a "he", what species am I?  And ... how did you get here without a long line of females?

    In closing, I'll leave you with a bit of philosophy ...

    The three treasures of Taoism:

    The first is pity; the second, frugality; the third, refusal to be 'foremost of all things under heaven'.

    For only he that pities is truly able to be brave;
    Only he that is frugal is able to be profuse.
    Only he that refuses to be foremost of all things
    Is truly able to become chief of all Ministers.

    Tao Te Ching


    Wishing you the best ... oh great and powerful Oz!

    Kat ♥

  • ithurtswnipee
    891 Posts
    Fri, Dec 20 2013 7:06 PM


    much like the Greek astrological signs when you take into account the five seasons.

    Daoism,,,,,, Laozi

    It is something formlessly fashioned, that existed before heaven and earth… Its name (ming) we do not know; Dao is the byname that we give it. Were I forced to say to what class of things it belongs I should call it Immense.

    The Chinese Astrology and Philososphy are very closly related. Not just cosmiclogicaly as our Astrology. I have studied Chinese culture for 4 decades and happen to be the luckiest man on earth for meeting and marrying a most refined and delicate, woman. Her name means Pure Snow. Xuefen

    Kat the Chinese believe mostly the Philosophy of The Three Harmony. Not plural for a reason.

    Heaven, Earth,Water..... Many Branches grow from the main harmony. Maybe this will help. Video below.

    Speaking in Mandarin,

    Yexu ni de shenghuo chongman ai he huanxiao = May your life be filled with love & laughter.

    You can count yourself 1 of the very few that were taught the philosophy along with Kung Fu. Do you know the origins of Kung Fu? Wushu??

    Are you aware it was the cause of the unification of China? I am a student as well.

    Do you know LI Lianjie? He has done a nice piece of related material on the unification of China. You may know him by his Ameican name , I'm sure.

    Li is his last name Lianjie is his first. In China you ALWAYS recieive a friend or visitor by Sir name first, followed by the first name.


    Niao nioa

  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Fri, Dec 20 2013 9:37 PM

    Its like this daoism or hinduism or buddhism or what ever. All are belief. 

    If that way makes you happy all good. 

    if not ask question. Who will answer ? you.

    Regarding animal signs. Its not animal is related , its more of symbol. But each year people likes /dislikes changes. Pattern matching. Also good/bad time can be predicted

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Fri, Dec 20 2013 10:14 PM

    Niao nioa

    I can only assume you would, with a user name like yours!  lol.

    I would love to discuss this further ... however, since this was brought up with the Chinese Astrology topic, maybe we can continue via PM?  I prefer not dealing with one that is surely more superior than the other members here on WGT.


  • petercooper1958
    705 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2013 1:04 AM

    I would love to discuss this further

    Kat I also would like to continue this away from this thread.


  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2013 7:18 AM

    You see what you wanted to see.

    Your ego blocks what you wanted to see.

    so basically you see your ego.  Its just the way it is. Until you remove your ego you will not see anything other than your ego.

    Discussing any belief system not gona make you change who you are.

    Collecting new beliefs is useless. Instead you must remove beliefs and references even daoism

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2013 7:32 AM


    You see what you wanted to see.

    Your ego blocks what you wanted to see.

    You might want to take that to the mirror, Alex, since you feel far superior to us in every way.

  • ithurtswnipee
    891 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2013 8:03 AM


    Oh yeh talk to me about Daoism.

    There seems to be an interest about that satement. reading in between the lines which WAY to many people do, I would say a healthy dose of excitement is there somewhere. And sharing your knowledge about it will help all of us who are interested as you sound updated with your books.



    The three treasures of Taoism:

    The first is pity; the second, frugality; the third, refusal to be 'foremost of all things under heaven'.

    For only he that pities is truly able to be brave;
    Only he that is frugal is able to be profuse.
    Only he that refuses to be foremost of all things
    Is truly able to become chief of all Ministers.

    Tao Te Ching




    Niao nioa

    I can only assume you would, with a user name like yours! lol.



    That cracked me up. One of the very few that does not judge me by my user name. You took an interest to get to know me. I thank you for that.



    You constantly astound me Kat, With your interests & kowledge about ALL. I don't believe for a second that you are a Wikipedia user to back up your lifes interest. I know of some from the way back machine, when you were compiling your data for your book. I agree with you & Peter's idea of a different venue where nonsense (no sense) would cloud the topic.

    Send me a PM please where you & Peter decide to follow up. Before I go I want you & Peter to see if I QUALIFY , to some day become a Chief related to the Three Treasures. If my spelling is to be counted, I'm sunk.

    Xie Xie

    I live in a tourist driven part of the country. Early last June before the season started some of the service industries hire H2B workers. Workers from around the world wanting to come to the U.S. for 5 months, 4 months to work & 1 month to travel around. The store was a convenience store with a deli (good one) in the back. I walked up to the counter and saw a group of girls. 2 were from China or Nepal by the way they looked. The young American girl was behind a half wall opening very large cans while the 2 girls were waiting for instructions. This was not a busy part of the day, thankfully. She (Blondie) put the 2 large cans of whatever was inside them on a table. At this moment she noticed me waiting and raised her voice a bit to tell me “I will be right with you” I told her to take her time I was not in a hurry. EVER.

    She walked back behind the half wall and retrieved 2 wooden spoons. She then THROUGH the 2 spoons on the table. She was clearly frustrated and trying to communicate with the foreign girls she wanted them to put the item from the cans into the clear plastic square containers you would receive potato salad in. The containers were packaged together flat so both left and right sides of them where facing upwards. Blondie motioned to the girls to fill the small packages with the spoons. One of the girls who spoke the best English motioned to ask if both sides of the package were to be filled. Again Blondie said to me I will be there as soon as I can. I just smiled and waved. She showed by example how to fill and close the containers. The 2 girls immediately understood. She approached me totally stressed out. Asked me what I wanted. I responded a sandwich and a small amount of your time, while making the sandwich. She looked at me and nodded her head.

    I asked where the young girls from are. She responded “I don’t know”. I asked would she mind asking which she did & 1 of the girls has said a province in west China near Nepal. I said welcome in Mandarin which brought a smile to their faces. Diligently the continued with their task. I asked Blondie, “What is a beautiful young girl like you so troubled for”? I said you seem to be quite frustrated. I asked if she was a single mother as so many are in my area. She said yes. I retorted that “you are getting out of bed every day to come here and work hard when so many others will not. That in itself is something to be very proud of”.

    I mentioned her looks again & said at some point you will meet the right person as you have more opportunities looking the way you do. I also told her I was happily married to a Chinese woman & I am not hitting on you, and those young ladies over there will help you immensely. She told me that her shift supervisor left her to” train 2 girls I can’t even speak to”. She wrapped up my sandwich and handed it to me upon doing this I thanked her and asked her to have patience with the new girls and things will get better.

    I left. Outside while eating I thought about how these 2 young girls were about to be thrust into a very bad situation by an intolerant person under an extreme amount of pressure. Young, single Mom, good looking, all that stuff.

    I wrote a note on a piece of paper I had in my truck to her explaining about how those 2 young ladies were so far from home and scared. I reminded her, (Blondie) of how far from home she is, and she grew up here. I asked her to please be patient with the girls and teach them how to help you. In return, your job will become easier as these girls are NOT lazy.  I wrote to her that I am going to do something for you that I CAN NOT AFORD.I put a 100 hundred dollar bill in the note and explained that because she was taking the high road & working instead of the oh so easy other road,, that her child and herself would benefit greatly throughout life if she continued to do so. Self satisfaction is where it all begins. So I said this is in recognition of you stepping up for your child’s sake and the sake of two scared young girls. I also wrote that this money is NOT to be used for alcohol or drugs but for the benefit of you & your child.

    I wrapped the note around the bill and walked back in & without a word I handed it over the counter and turned and walked away. As I opened the door she screamed Oh My God, thank you so much. Without turning around as I was going out the door I raised my arm to wave to her and said, READ THE NOTE. She responded I already have. I left

    I returned about 2 weeks ago and there was Blondie, but no girls. I had cut 25 inches of hair off during the summer so she did not recognize me. After hearing my voice she asked,”Are you “I said yes, where are the other girls”. She explained that they, (the owners) took them both to another store that desperately needed better help. Blondie also said that the owners fired the shift manager and made her top dog manager of the entire department with a substantial raise. She wanted to come around the counter and I said please don’t, I did what I did for three people who were in need and did not do it for recognition. She began to tell me that the girls kept in touch with her as they were traveling about and they had all become very close.

    Sorry about the length of this.

     So the question at hand remains. Would this act of helping put me on the trail of the three treasures as you understand them?


  • mara43
    1,674 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2013 8:19 AM

    Your ego blocks what you wanted to see.

    mmm.........ya might want to look at your own ego first based on your previous posts in the forums before you spout jargon like this........

    Why i am superior? Simple. I have no belief. I do not own belief

    and then you go and contradict yourself by saying this:

    Reason for superiority because 100% of humans need beliefs to live and survive and interact with society

    as 100% would include you.........




  • ithurtswnipee
    891 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2013 8:45 AM


    as 100% would include you.........





    A penchant for ponting out the obvious that the OP as no clue of..

    If what it says is true. OP. Wouldn't it have to be destiute, deviod of holdings of any type. Even a computer with which to post with.