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Chinese astrology

Thu, Jan 9 2014 4:59 PM (70 replies)
  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2013 10:04 AM

    I can't tell you secret. The secret is you. You just need to open it on your own. You take credit. 

    What ever i tell you , which definitely not true. It can not be truth to you. 

    What ever you come up with is truth to you. Its just that.

    So i can only direct you. Ofcourse who are you to direct me. Thats valid question.

    I can only block your thinking your normal way. If i block everything you come with , you will find new direction. It may or may not be correct one. But atleast you took action.

    You can always use others as a mirror to find about yourself.

    I am just a tool. That is all.

    Am i speaking truth? May be not. Am i playing , ofcourse.

    We all humans play with ourself. Thats game. It make us forget time. It make us feel alive. Its entertaining.

    I am superior to you is you came up with. My statement stand on its own. 

    Every statement has multiple context. For example i make statement with context that you are unaware of .

    So the key is finding my context makes you a master. If you think i am preaching you a belief then you have wrong start to find what i am saying.

    Any human created belief system will not help you anyway. Its just another belief just like GOD do not exist is another belief.

    Ask questions. It reveals your reason for the question. 

    Humans are always looking for answers (beliefs) , Answers makes him go in another rabbit hole and he is addicted to answers.

  • ithurtswnipee
    891 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2013 12:54 PM


    .I am just a tool.


    That is the only thing you have said that I actually understand and has and validity and or truth in it.



    We all humans play with ourself. . Its entertaining.

    Apparently you have been playing with yourself too long. You could go blind. Sounds as though "crazy" has got a death grip on you. That is the 1st warning sign.


    Its just another belief just like GOD do not exist is another belief.

    Talking about religion is forbidden in these forums. Philosophy is one thing, relgion is off topic and OOB. Abide by it please. WGT may smite you.





  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2013 1:02 PM

    if there is a goal to my babbling is not to make sense to you humans.

    Because it just enhances your existing belief.

    The thing is atleast i know i am playing , 99.99999% humans do not aware of the rabbit hole (illusion) they are in.

    Ofcourse everything has its problem. Thinking too much is unhealthy.

    Its like this , if you are looking for truth to infinity ..sooner or later you will come across your limit and you are forced to settle on some belief as truth. You can only play within your boundary. As long as you create your own safe limit , you can play all you want.

    When you do not set Safety setup then you are in trouble.

    Key to safety is make yourself understand you are just playing. :)

    Atleast i should project to you all i am playing , thats only way you also play. Otherwise you are going to go mad by looking at my words. 

    Just word play thats all.


  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2013 2:25 PM

    So the question at hand remains. Would this act of helping put me on the trail of the three treasures as you understand them?

    The three treasures, as taught to me by Master Chan are Jing, Qi and Shen.  Jing is the physical body, Qi is the life energy force and Shen is the Spirit.  When Jing, Qi and Shen are in harmony, we are compassionate and will help others.  

    Now if you were doing this act of compassion for recognition then, no ... you are not on the proper trail.  A selfless act as you have shown in your story however is, for you were not seeking anything in return.  

    Many people are on the path, regardless of their philosophy.  Others are drawn to those whose "three treasures" are in harmony.  You simply sense their strength through their Shen.  

    Earlier you asked me about the origins of Kung Fu and Wushu.  As I understand it Wushu is the martial arts I know.  Kung Fu is more of a philosophy.  It's in everything I do.  The lessons one can learn from real Kung Fu are more than how to block or attack.  It's how you go about your life and how you treat others.  


  • mara43
    1,674 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2013 5:45 PM

    .I am just a tool..

    That is the only thing you have said that I actually understand and has and validity and or truth in it.

    oh man..been here too long but that has given me a good laugh.......hey Alex....not sure but thanks for the great Christmas wind up....which I hope it is otherwise I will still be laughing.....

    one wonders what anyone believes.............



  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2013 7:03 PM

    What ever works. All in fun.

    Only one who is ready will ask question. Others just go about sheep life. Its not for them.

    You wanted to stop time , you have to ask question.

    If you wanted to forget time ...look for belief. :)

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2013 7:46 PM

    alex?  is there a difference between being in a rabbit hole and being free?

    follow up ? - if there is a difference, does it matter?

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2013 10:40 PM

  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Sun, Dec 22 2013 4:38 PM

    Humans are not free. never will be.

    He is always under influence of belief he is holding. belief is his master. he absorb belief then he defends the one he absorbed.

    If you want to know how big forest is when you are inside forest , well you can not. You have to come outside to see.

    Pity thing is we can not come out of playground (forest) , we are not allowed. We can only imagine what could be . We can only imagine what is free is.

    We can simulate all we want. Its the reality. I think it is better to think about it than not think at all.

    You are free as much you think you are free. :)

    Can you accept and tolerate all beliefs and allow all of them co exist ? Then you are free.

    Because you are not accusing or defending beliefs.

    I think rabbit hole is medicine even if we lost track of time. We probably live longer that way.

    Knowing truth and dying ..what the purpose. You rather live longer and not know truth. :)

    Even if you know truth and what do you want to change ? Things that gets changed wants the change? Why do you want to force change on things because you like it ?.

    Every quesion has implied answer in your brain. Safety valve. 

    Its trignometric equation. sin(2x) = 2 sin x cos x

    We take one side and try to get to other side. But we already have answer. So we just want to  roam around...

    As long as the answers are within the vicinity of implied answer we accept it as new value.

    Because we do not like shock values.  We are here to play not to change ourself.

    if you wanted to change you have to ask question.

    Truth is not just few meaningless words , truth is actually infact  , you change yourself to a state where you see things differently.

    When you able to see things without attachment  then you have arrived. :)

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Dec 22 2013 4:58 PM

    We are here to play not to change ourself.

    Yo, Fu Manchu, why don't you try both ^^^^

    From what I hear you can't even finish an Alt match with a CC member without running the clock down 4 times till you get disqualified....

    ' A change is as good as a rest '

    Try those two too ^^^^

    Change you attitude and give it a rest !!
