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French disclamation

Sat, Aug 17 2024 9:56 AM (103 replies)
  • alberich35
    858 Posts
    Fri, Dec 20 2013 3:29 AM


    So ... looking avatars and dont find a french one with the national tree colours : blue, white & red.

    Why this, smelling old cheese or what ?

    Should be nice having an avatar with national tree-colored skirt (not pant that's look ridiculous IMO), suggest deep red (Bordeaux) pant and vertical blue, white & red

    Remember Lafayette, WGT team :)

  • neibaf
    202 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 10:41 AM


    for christmas and new year please give us an french avatar

    thank you

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 12:13 PM

    WGTicon will bring it up at a futur meeting ,,,,         but you Francais(French)  must have more compatriotes  asking for this avatar ,,,,,     in order to have WGT concidering your request ......   Good luck with that  mes amis

  • Slammer23
    420 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 3:01 PM

    What is a "French avatar?" One that blows a three-stroke lead on the final hole?  I can do that myself.

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Mon, Dec 30 2013 10:20 AM

    To all  Frenchman , a Friend has  made 4 France avatar ,  go to a thread  called (Hello WGT)     . leave a comment if you like ,,,,,    i wonder,  what one of the avatar would look like with white pants .?                              TY Andyson                                Frapp

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Mon, Dec 30 2013 3:24 PM


    What is a "French avatar?" One that blows a three-stroke lead on the final hole?  I can do that myself.

    LOLLLL   ,,  Yes   good one Slam  ....      Tin Cup    the  reel way    .....  Me to  a Quebecois   have blowned a 3 stroke lead  to many time on WGT .....   sacre bleue   :)

  • drmoose
    3,537 Posts
    Mon, Dec 30 2013 6:02 PM


    If for no other reason than you being such a nice guy and steadfast supporter, WGT should grant your request. I'm rooting for ya buddy!

    Doc :)

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Mon, Dec 30 2013 6:51 PM

    LOLLLL,,,  Thank you for the  nice words ....      :)   But you know  i am not French  from France .....     I am Quebecois (French Canadian)  ,,,,            comparing  us to frenchman from France   , is like saying  American  are  Englishman from  the British island .......     lolll   same language  two verry different  culture   lollllll .    But  like i said our CC  is for the Franco  of this planet  :)   so  ,,,, so many  form France  i thaugh   i would support  them  ,,,,  we call them cousin  here in Quebec  ,,,,,,,       Thanks again Doc       ........................                Frapp

  • mimisiku
    11 Posts
    Wed, Jan 1 2014 2:42 AM

    pour 2014  un avatar aux couleurs de la France   messieurs de wgt merci pour vos efforts dans l'attente d'une réponse favorable    mes meilleurs voeux

  • alberich35
    858 Posts
    Thu, Jan 2 2014 11:15 PM


    pour 2014  un avatar aux couleurs de la France   messieurs de wgt merci pour vos efforts dans l'attente d'une réponse favorable    mes meilleurs voeux

    Tout à fait.


    WGT team, 2014 is the year for celebrate the friendship of France and USA.

    As i say in first post remember Lafaette, french hero of independance war, citizen of Virginia since 1784 (230 years anniversary) dead in 1834 (180 years anniversary) One of the seven Honorary citizen of USA.

    And no French avatar on WGT, that's a shame.