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French disclamation

Sat, Aug 17 2024 9:56 AM (103 replies)
  • quecha
    263 Posts
    Sun, Jan 12 2014 9:51 AM

    + 1 ... in support for my friends of France


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Jan 12 2014 11:02 AM

  • alberich35
    858 Posts
    Sun, Jan 12 2014 2:36 PM

    In some WW1 soldiers wondered why they were killing and fraternized on the occasion of  Christmas day. Obviously it has not rained for staffs and was severely punished. The outcome of this war was sheer injustice (the Treaty of Versailles) and bore the seeds of WW2. Our glorious Clemenceau (tiger) wanted to continue the war until the extermination of the German people. Maybe he was right.

    Because you know the battlefield was in France, it was our cities, our fathers, our brothers and sons  who fell under enemy fire.

    Same for German soldiers except that no German city was not destroyed and no German woman raped

    How sad.

  • guguis
    96 Posts
    Sun, Jan 12 2014 3:10 PM

    Should  be nice a Mexican avatar too, being asking for it several times,hope France and Mexico  get it !!!

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Jan 12 2014 10:21 PM

    In some WW1 soldiers wondered why they were killing and fraternized on the occasion of  Christmas day. Obviously it has not rained for staffs and was severely punished. The outcome of this war was sheer injustice (the Treaty of Versailles) and bore the seeds of WW2

    This had me nodding in agreement


    Our glorious Clemenceau (tiger) wanted to continue the war until the extermination of the German people. Maybe he was right.

    This chilled me to the marrow. Were you agreeng with this Alberich?

    Same for German soldiers except that no German city was not destroyed and no German woman raped.

    Is this another quote? Or just poisonous hateful opinion passed off as fact?

    Not one word of that sentence is true.

    Have I got this wrong?

    It looked like narrow minded, nasty anti German bigotry to me. There is no place for those sentiments in this game or its public forum. This is not the place to discuss national politics, past or present.


    I could not let the above post go without comment or I would have felt complicit in spreading the lies and hatred contained within it.

    The past should not be forgotten otherwise we're doomed to repeat it but moving forward there is no place for resentment or blame.

    The European Union (like it or not) has lead us to 70 years of peace and made us significant in global politics and economics. None of this would have come about without the support of successive post war German governments and more importantly an express mandate from the German people, who wanted (and still want) a  prosperous, free and peaceful Europe.

    I think thats it all covered, so to summarise -

    French and German people are cool.

    WTF does it matter where your from, we're all the same

    Vive L'avatar Francais!

  • BibiTwo
    10 Posts
    Mon, Jan 13 2014 1:18 AM

    Since my registration, I'm surprised to not see avatar with the colours of the  French flag.

    So, I add my name to the list of  players requesting the creation of a French avatar.


  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Mon, Jan 13 2014 1:20 AM

    Hello  all ,i was asked  some time ago , the question  why  is there no French Avatar ,  i decided  to help  because  my Country club  is Franco .   But  please  S.V.P.  alberich35 ,and all members posting here  for a good  cause ,  stop  the political or better yet , French  German   WWI  WW2 stuff  does not realy belong  on this Thread ,for an AVATAR.    Lets not forget  the past ,  that we do not repeat the same misstakes.  But this thread  is   about today  2014 ,  its about a popular Golf game played all over the world by  poeple who love the game of golf.    Its  about  avatars representing ones country ,and all countrys deserve an Avatar .   VIVA Mexico i say  , VIVA France ,VIVA Germany.       All i know there is suport  for this request .  Lets not find things to turn this Thread in a negative way .         Lets just enjoy the lovers of this game no matter where they are from  , and not bring back the past .....   no country of this crazy world have been perfect  none will ever be .      Have a good golfing day all  .Francois (Frapp)     

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, Jan 13 2014 1:28 AM

    In some WW1 soldiers wondered why they were killing and fraternized on the occasion of  Christmas day.

    Perhaps for old times sake...George Washington & his soldiers made the famous crossing of the Deleware River December 25, 1776 to produce a very needed victory.

  • alosso
    21,052 Posts
    Mon, Jan 13 2014 1:40 AM

    A wholehearted THANK YOU VERY MUCH, Francois!

    Lets not forget  the past ,  that we do not repeat the same misstakes.  But this thread  is   about today  2014 ,  its about a popular Golf game played all over the world by  poeple who love the game of golf.


    The lesson I learned from the Christmas Truce of 1914 is, most people want to live in peace and be friends, it's organisations and governments who pursue rivalry, hatred and war.

    So, let us "Live and let live" as these soldiers did.

  • alberich35
    858 Posts
    Mon, Jan 13 2014 7:03 AM


    A wholehearted THANK YOU VERY MUCH, Francois!

    Lets not forget  the past ,  that we do not repeat the same misstakes.  But this thread  is   about today  2014 ,  its about a popular Golf game played all over the world by  poeple who love the game of golf.


    La leçon que j'ai appris de la trêve de Noël de 1914 est, la plupart des gens veulent vivre en paix et d'être amis, c'est organisations et les gouvernements qui poursuivent la rivalité, la haine et war.

    So, let us "Live and let live" as these soldiers did.

    The lesson was than French, English, German realized that the enemys in front was nice guys like them and there was no reason to fight & kill.


    As said Paul Valéry :

    Les guerres, ce sont des gens qui ne se connaissent pas et qui s'entre-tuent parce que d'autres gens qui se connaissent très bien ne parviennent pas à  se mettre d'accord.

    Anyway we want french avatar & more we want it for free. Dont forget our nuclear submarines intersect in yours waters and can nuke WGT head office and plants lol