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Caddie woes - We need your feedback

Wed, Oct 1 2014 2:00 PM (79 replies)
  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Fri, Jan 17 2014 2:29 PM

    Hi guys,

    It's no secret that our Caddie is not perfect, so I need your help.

    Please give us examples of when WGT auto-selects the wrong club or shot type for you. As much detail as possible... images even better.

    Thanks :)


  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Fri, Jan 17 2014 2:46 PM

    Please give us examples of when WGT auto-selects the wrong club or shot type for you. As much detail as possible

    Here's one ... you're 192 yards away from the pin with 32' downhill elevation and the Caddie hands you a 4 iron, rated at 210 yards.

    Or my very favorite.  Kia hole #17, 220 yards with 6' downhill elevation and the caddie hands me a 240 yard 3 wood when my 225 yd 3 iron is more than enough!

    I really love it when you're on BPB ... first par 3 ... 240 yards to the hole with a 10' downhill elevation change and you're handed the driver!

    I can't tell you how many times I wanted to give my caddie the shaft end of the wrong club he handed me! lol.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Fri, Jan 17 2014 2:54 PM


    Please give us examples of when WGT auto-selects the wrong club or shot type for you. As much detail as possible

    Here's one ... you're 192 yards away from the pin with 32' downhill elevation and the Caddie hands you a 4 iron, rated at 210 yards.

    Or my very favorite.  Kia hole #17, 220 yards with 6' downhill elevation and the caddie hands me a 240 yard 3 wood when my 225 yd 3 iron is more than enough!

    I really love it when you're on BPB ... first par 3 ... 240 yards to the hole with a 10' downhill elevation change and you're handed the driver!

    I can't tell you how many times I wanted to give my caddie the shaft end of the wrong club he handed me! lol.

    Right Kat!  Sooo...... whats the point of this thread. Game was down here for 4 hours or so today.

    We are sorry all servers are busy...... we will try to connect you in 50 Then.... timer starts over....yup....lmao!

    How about fixing some of this shite huh?? How about fixing bugs that have been here for over a year?

    Craziness for sure..... talk about a o man.

    You want to see ya'll crap caddie in action..... go play a game. Don't need anybody to show you anything..... wow.

  • russellfahey
    4,286 Posts
    Fri, Jan 17 2014 2:57 PM



    Please give us examples of when WGT auto-selects the wrong club or shot type for you. As much detail as possible

    Here's one ... you're 192 yards away from the pin with 32' downhill elevation and the Caddie hands you a 4 iron, rated at 210 yards.

    Or my very favorite.  Kia hole #17, 220 yards with 6' downhill elevation and the caddie hands me a 240 yard 3 wood when my 225 yd 3 iron is more than enough!

    I really love it when you're on BPB ... first par 3 ... 240 yards to the hole with a 10' downhill elevation change and you're handed the driver!

    I can't tell you how many times I wanted to give my caddie the shaft end of the wrong club he handed me! lol.

    Right Kat!  Sooo...... whats the point of this thread. Game was down here for 4 hours or so today.

    We are sorry all servers are busy...... we will try to connect you in 50 Then.... timer starts over....yup....lmao!

    How about fixing some of this shite huh?? How about fixing bugs that have been here for over a year?

    Craziness for sure..... talk about a o man.

    You mean something like this,that i also had for the very 1st time today.



    2,580 Posts
    Fri, Jan 17 2014 3:00 PM

    Icon. Im not sure if its the caddy, or you folks just dont like me, lol. But i am forever getting shots that come up as much as 20-25 yards short  (but today i got a 40 yard short shot). I am not kidding. Maybe the caddy is showing me the club i want to use, but in the background the settings are something different altogether, im not sure.

    If you folks cant figure this out, how are we supposed to help you when we are not the folks running the game. I will stop now, before i lose my reason.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Fri, Jan 17 2014 3:03 PM




    Please give us examples of when WGT auto-selects the wrong club or shot type for you. As much detail as possible

    Here's one ... you're 192 yards away from the pin with 32' downhill elevation and the Caddie hands you a 4 iron, rated at 210 yards.

    Or my very favorite.  Kia hole #17, 220 yards with 6' downhill elevation and the caddie hands me a 240 yard 3 wood when my 225 yd 3 iron is more than enough!

    I really love it when you're on BPB ... first par 3 ... 240 yards to the hole with a 10' downhill elevation change and you're handed the driver!

    I can't tell you how many times I wanted to give my caddie the shaft end of the wrong club he handed me! lol.

    Right Kat!  Sooo...... whats the point of this thread. Game was down here for 4 hours or so today.

    We are sorry all servers are busy...... we will try to connect you in 50 Then.... timer starts over....yup....lmao!

    How about fixing some of this shite huh?? How about fixing bugs that have been here for over a year?

    Craziness for sure..... talk about a o man.

    You mean something like this,that i also had for the very 1st time today.



    Yes sir.... for 4 to 5 friggen hours mate. Timer just restarts when gets to zero. A total fooking joke mate.

    Worried about some caddie shite is beyond me. Then.... website not found..... or We are closed due to frost.

    Really??  Caddie??     Joke right?

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Fri, Jan 17 2014 3:05 PM

    Leave the caddy well alone Icon. You could change this 1 thing but all it will do is cause 10 other problems. We've all learnt to check what club we have. Time would be better spent fixing the bugs we already have.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Jan 17 2014 3:07 PM

    Inside 30/35 yds, pitch is selected invariably, regardless of the circumstances.

    Inside 20 yds, chip is selected invariably, even with 10 yds of rough to the green.

    My wedges being 50 / 77 / 100 yds, I most probably get the wrong selection of 100 yds between about 49 and 77 yds.

    From the Olde days:

    With a 240 yds 3WD and a 220 yds driver in the bag, driver is the preferred choice for the longest tee shots.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Fri, Jan 17 2014 3:18 PM


    Leave the caddy well alone Icon. You could change this 1 thing but all it will do is cause 10 other problems. We've all learnt to check what club we have. Time would be better spent fixing the bugs we already have.


    Pure craziness mate. The minute i thought i have seen it all here..... i'm surprised

    Fix something...... anything..... one friggen bug please!

  • Painter13
    285 Posts
    Fri, Jan 17 2014 3:23 PM


    Leave the caddy well alone Icon. You could change this 1 thing but all it will do is cause 10 other problems. We've all learnt to check what club we have. Time would be better spent fixing the bugs we already have.


    Here Here...I agree