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Sat, Jan 25 2014 6:59 AM (13 replies)
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  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2014 7:55 PM


    Really what does a ready go have to do with a player who does not play them????  I for one would love to know.

    I know the answer already...... but i still get a good giggle.  ;)   Please.... answer the question above^^^^  I'm interested.... thought about it hard.... can't come up with anything. Maybe you can help me.

    Well Kreskin, I suppose you already know what I think about the RG crybabies that flood this message board with their whining about playing conditions, VEM, buy ins, and lipouts too?  ;)))

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2014 8:01 PM



    Really what does a ready go have to do with a player who does not play them????  I for one would love to know.

    I know the answer already...... but i still get a good giggle.  ;)   Please.... answer the question above^^^^  I'm interested.... thought about it hard.... can't come up with anything. Maybe you can help me.


    Well Kreskin, I suppose you already know what I think about the RG crybabies that flood this message board with their whining about playing conditions, VEM, buy ins, and lipouts too?  ;)))

    Huh??  lol

    Surely you can do better than that hey?? I asked you a honest question.... not going to answer it?

    What does a ready go... got to do with someone that does not play them?

    Since you are not going to answer the question..... i'll go ahead and say it.

    Nothing!!!     Hard to have a opinion about something that you do not play.

    Also mate i have heard you say a number of times how easy this game is. That being the case..... why don't you play them?  Surely you would be cleaning

    Now if would like to continue discussion on fair winds in any tourney.... go right ahead. But can't understand what your deal is with ready go players.... who complain or come forth with a suggestion.... is beyond me. Don't see any issue with ready go players coming to the forum to express their grief or opinions... especially with other ready go players.  To be frankly honest the ready go comps need a upgrade.


    Edit:  Called me a Kreskin huh?? Seems really that would fit you nicely....being don't play ready gos..... and pulling opinions from nowhere.... seems definition is spot on.

    Not to long along i was running my mouth in here about ready gos,,, because at the time i didn't play any...... and one of the top players chimed in and told me to stfu and play ready gos..... then open mouth. Well i can say thank you to him... learned a good one there. Still today...owe him greatly.

    I wish he still played a lil more... as i have yet to get a game with him.   :(

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sat, Jan 25 2014 6:59 AM


    I answered why I don't play RG's in my first post. I don't wager on anything.  Not a gambler of any sort.

    I'll take a stab at the fairwinds as you put it. Rounds played at different times of the same day can have very different conditions like in Pro Tourneys. I suppose WGT is providing that Pro like atmosphere in the RG's. Some get the favored conditions and others get something else like "rub of the green"  Gotta just deal with it and move on IMO. WGT isn't going to change the way they set these things up anytime soon.

    Why did I care? I'm just fascinated by humans and the things they do. Also, I'm a little smartarse and like pushing the Red Glowing Button on the chest every so often. :)

    Cheers mate and hit 'em straight.

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