WGT can also interact with their first-line customers. That would be us.
Taking responsibility for broken transactions sourced on their website would be nice. A simple post letting us know they are sorry for the cumulative time their customers have spent in vain, and that they are working on a resolution.
Doesn't need to be in the Forum; in fact should NOT solely be here, as I would suggest a majority of players avoid the Forum. The NEWS page is most appropriate, but my experience is it is a page where WGT wants only positive news. God forbid the company reveal that they, internal, and external companies WGT works with aren't perfect. Shatters the fantasy image, don't ya know...
Communication: simple, necessary. Period.
Having worked in e-commerce for an extended period of time, I realize that competent communication, as well as the concept of customer retention (subject for another time), are pretty much a thing of the past.
Tangentially, WGT has the money to pay for television commercials, but not for a functioning customer service department...
I've seen commercials on multiple television stations recently. I presume the stations are owned by NBC/Universal, megalithic parent of The Golf Channel, which is hitched up with WGT. Perhaps they're getting a deep discount on the television time as a result of the 'connect the dots' relationship.
It isn't exclusively LiveGamer that's SNAFU, as I experienced this morning with Supersonic ads. But it's WGT offerings via Livegamer that are the responsible for most of the time I've wasted watching ads in vain.
Lastly, and MOST importantly, I would be remiss if I failed to thank WGT for offering a way for folks to play their game without having to spend out of pocket for equipment.
Thank you, WGT.