PrivateAccount:Pls readjust the ranking from my 69.61 too 64.23 That should make me about 68.80. Please let me know how this could have happened and how it will be fixed for me to get my PROPER ranking.
I don't think you understand. your stroke play average is not affected by the average of your opponets. Even if this game was match play - and you won, your average would not change.
You lost nothing because of this game - you just had to deal with a guy quitting on you - it happens too often but it is no reason to make accusations like...
PrivateAccount:f Andy has found a way to cheat wouldn't you want to put and end to him playing on here. Or is he someone that works for WGT? and gets special treatment?
geeze.. who are you Glen Beck? (hmmm.. i think this might be true.. lmao)
and sure, my tone towards you is a little annoyed (sorry, but it just how I feel I need to make my point), and you'll probably attack me - don't bother. Just forget this happened - next time a guy quits on you, or some strange thing happens in the game, send a bug report, or not. Just don't get silly ideas that WGT is conspiring to cheat you in some way... just makes you look like a lunatic.