Think of it along the lines of a classroom full of hungry kids and one bag of sweets.
throw the full bag into the middle of the room and there will be bedlam for 2 mins afore the room quickly empties of un interested kids,
feed them one sweet at a time every few minutes and you keep the whole classroom interested for longer.
ie: feed the members one course at a time over long periods of time.
Bad business sense ?
Think of it like this then: the teacher has taken so long to distribute any candy that most of the kids are leaving - a few new kids, tempted by the promise of candy, are arriving. WGT probably makes most of its money off new players (equipment, balls, etc) and so, sadly, there is no emphasis to introduce more courses at a greater pace as, when you first start, there is enough courses. After a certain amount of time does the reality that the choices are too linear come into play.
The introduction of Bandon Dunes was a real hammer blow as well - an all par 3 course in which every hole feels remarkably similar. Not a good addition by any means.