CerinoDevoti: How is it easier for cheaters? It still starts with hitting it into the rough. That's on us cheater or not.
Come on........by definition an aid means less likely to find rough, and so can attack more without the risk reward.
You don't play for credits so not an issue but if you did fine lines matter. Obvious when you think about.
May as well say it's on us to get it close to the pin so how does that help the cheater...
I have not tried this new stuff out enough to see how realistic it is, but what is not realistic is one person coping with it less because of an illegal aid. Choices as to whether I will still enjoy my RG play too or leave that side of it alone at least.
Is that good for WGT that collateral type damage?. They have decided it is worth the risk, but clearly in a market place a competitor would be all over that if they could do better.
EDIT: Personally I would like to see ball specs reduced. That would affect all equally, but whether WGT need realism that might impact HL ball sales is another point.
This is still the class leading product IMO, just that I do believe constructive criticism is fine too.