X, forget the nastiness, forget going back and forth can you really just answer 1 question. I wont be going back and forth, I dont want to have to pull old posts up, I just really want to know this 1 thing from you in your opinion.
How does buying equipment from a large group of members to make the game more fun and to improve their experience affect you enough that you need to bash every paying member of the site?
You dont play MPC, you play a few MP, you play a little AS, you dont enter tournaments, so you are really not playing much of the things where you need the better equipment. You play basic golf, like most of us do in real life, we just play, not for money or tournaments, just to shoot a round. So in that respect its not a competition, so shooting a 37 or a 33 matters only to the individual, yet it appears that you feel cheated by shooting the 37 and others are shooting a 30. Now take someone like me, I play paying tourneys, I play organized community tourneys, I need to be able to score as low as possible to compete against others. Its fun for me this way, playing a normal ranked round I dont do often, its not why I play the game. I dont play for the lowest average, because that does nothing for me personally, example, I am playing another member in a community tourney, i dont care if i shoot a 40 to his 41, the point is I won and can move onto the next rd. We have fun doing this, not to say one is the best, but to have fun. That is my version of what I do in this game, which is completely different then yours.
I like this game obviously, I dont get to play much IRL anymore with 2 young kids and very little time to go play something that takes on average 7hours from the time leaving the house to coming back. This game is an easy outlet to play when kids are sleeping or when work is slow like it has been. When other like minded people and myself see a blatant dumb post slamming the game, we take offense to it since most of us know what it takes to make the game as good as it is and will slam them right back.
Our version of the game might show lower scores, but lower compared to what. You are comparing apples and oranges, and mind you, a version you have no experience with.
That is as civil as I can be to explain you what many of us play, that you dont. Me playing you on the 2nd hardest course with clubs I dont regularly use will not prove anything to you because you are not playing the same game as me. For the record that scorecard is legit, the stats are legit. In my OPINION, the version you play is harder to score well, and only allows skill in course management to show, no other skill is required because the equipment allows for such a vast deviation that many shots are luck. I yanked a tee shot so bad on the meter and hit the dead center of the fairway. I then dinged an iron and missed the green not short or long but left when aiming dead center of green. There is more luck in your version.
My version, in contrast, focuses the exact same skill to manage the course, but then its your playing skill that make the difference between shooting par and going low. Knowing how a putt will break, knowing how far your club will carry based upon skill. If you are correct with your opinion all people who bought clubs would be Legend, but that is not the case.
For the the record, nothing I have ever said to you was a lie. Mentioning your scoring about not shooting under par was correct to what I can tell, you have not done so in your new tier. You sad I possibly hated my family, you implied I dont spend enough time with (those are attacks against myself and my family). I did shoot -2 on the front in your conditions first time with regular clubs.