Inconsistent wind? Check.
Inconsistent rough? Check.
Crashes? Check.
Hey! I know! Let's make the graphics such as "On The Fairway" and "Birdie" and so on EXPLODE off the screen because, you know, that's really what people want! Something like the acid flashbacks they used to have in 1978! And, as a bonus, headaches!
Jeez Louise...
To my point...a poster opined in a different thread, that if we remain patient and stop requesting stuff, wgt will then have time to repair the glitches. Which begs the question, what has wgt recently loaded that anyone has ever asked for?, or even wanted?
WGT initiates these updates solely on their own...the downtimes (last night's was 5 hours) are used primarily to add more untested "improvements", rather than fixing long standing problems.