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Master CANT beat a Legend in match play

Sat, Apr 9 2011 6:46 PM (131 replies)
  • umpbaiter
    6 Posts
    Wed, Mar 23 2011 8:23 AM

    I thought that as just a pro, I would run into the same thing playiong a master.

     I was up 2 with 4 to play and all of a sudden my irons were reacting far different. Master won 2 to tie and we went 11 holes. On the 11th I had a poor drive ( Bethpage back 9) and ended up 170 from the cup. But all of a sudden I leave my second shot 2 in. from the cup and did win the hole so I imagine it was nothing more than bad choices on my part or i'd have lost.

     It all comes down to us , not some mysterious conspiracy.

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Wed, Mar 23 2011 12:24 PM

    Hear Hear

  • NickySmith
    5 Posts
    Wed, Mar 23 2011 2:42 PM

    I feel your pain. Same happen to me. One tier to another. Even the guy I was playing noticed. His comment was, "I have never played like this before." I could never over come him, even when he made mistakes. I know I am a better player with better clubs and balls.

    I feel your pain. But, I notice that when I started to root for him to do better, he missed?

    I can not explain it, and don't want an answer.  Have fun everybody!

    NickySmith Pro

  • LouisLewis
    107 Posts
    Wed, Mar 23 2011 7:14 PM


    I thought that as just a pro, I would run into the same thing playiong a master.

     I was up 2 with 4 to play and all of a sudden my irons were reacting far different. Master won 2 to tie and we went 11 holes. On the 11th I had a poor drive ( Bethpage back 9) and ended up 170 from the cup. But all of a sudden I leave my second shot 2 in. from the cup and did win the hole so I imagine it was nothing more than bad choices on my part or i'd have lost.

     It all comes down to us , not some mysterious conspiracy.

    170 yard shot to within 2 inches of the cup to win the match? Plenty of mystery there. Or do you think you just "happened " to hit maybe the best shot you have ever hit (given the circumstances)? I DO still think there is a part of the program that is WTC that creates drama. It is NOT entirley  the players skills and timing. For example, a driving simulator or a flight simulator program that used to be very popular about 10 or 12 yrs ago. This game is not a golf simulator. Its a game.

    You CANNOT tell me you have never seen the meter give you a perfect "ding" shot  after you clicked WAY to early. Lets be realistic about this, folks. Some parts of the game are out of the players hands, and we are just along for the ride.

  • LouisLewis
    107 Posts
    Wed, Mar 23 2011 7:22 PM



    I thought that as just a pro, I would run into the same thing playiong a master.

     I was up 2 with 4 to play and all of a sudden my irons were reacting far different. Master won 2 to tie and we went 11 holes. On the 11th I had a poor drive ( Bethpage back 9) and ended up 170 from the cup. But all of a sudden I leave my second shot 2 in. from the cup and did win the hole so I imagine it was nothing more than bad choices on my part or i'd have lost.

     It all comes down to us , not some mysterious conspiracy.

    What IS mysterious is why this match you tell of (beating a Master with a miraculous 170 yrd 2nd shot) does not appear in your statistics. Are you a forumreaderbaiter too?

  • LouisLewis
    107 Posts
    Wed, Mar 23 2011 7:31 PM


    i just saw the thread and it did make me laugh :-)

    As much as i have lost to a few Legends, i did manage to beat Infinito (sure hes a legend) sure that would suggest what u said is rubbish

    What makes me laugh and is "rubbish" is that you claim to be woman. Watch out for sand TRAPS out there guys. Any woman who looks like the woman in your profile pic would not be spending her days/nights playing a golf game on computer. I know many, many beautiful women, but NONE of them play golf on a computer. It just doesnt fly with me pal. Come out of the closet already.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Mar 23 2011 8:57 PM


    I know many, many beautiful women, but NONE of them play golf on a computer. It just doesnt fly with me pal. Come out of the closet already.

    maybe they're just not into computer golf games.

    Just Sayin'


  • Mem11
    199 Posts
    Wed, Mar 23 2011 10:15 PM

    What makes me laugh and is "rubbish" is that you claim to be woman. Watch out for sand TRAPS out there guys

    Indeed... Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, it looks like one of WGT's most prolific multi-accounters has crawled back from underneath that rock it was hiding under.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, Mar 24 2011 5:03 AM

    it's sure gonna take the wind out of a few guys sails after they've been goofing off over that profile photo only to find out the person behind it's male. :)

    unless they're into that sort of thing.

    and what makes you both sure B&C is a most prolific multi account holder?



  • umpbaiter
    6 Posts
    Thu, Mar 24 2011 5:20 AM

    none of my "matchplay" matches show. Only the alternate shot matches do.