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Time to say so long.

Thu, Dec 1 2016 4:40 AM (216 replies)
  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Aug 21 2016 12:49 PM


    The original is 'my tuppence worth" and is a 19th century English phrase.

    Why do you not acknowledge the original source?

    My tuppence worth...

     "my two pennies worth" is derived from the much older 16th Century English expression, "a penny for your thoughts", possibly a sarcastic response to receiving more opinion than was wanted "I said a penny for your thoughts, but I got two pennies' worth".   :-)

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Sun, Aug 21 2016 12:54 PM

    precise english grammer.

    grammar ;-)

    No offence, just kidding

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Sun, Aug 21 2016 12:54 PM

    got my new clubs .

    They are probably starting to feel unwanted after sitting in your bag for about 9 hours and still not being equipped ;-)

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sun, Aug 21 2016 1:10 PM

    Is it o.k. to be confused between nickles and nickels?

    I prefer Pfennige.

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Sun, Aug 21 2016 1:33 PM


    Now that I am a Legend and have been moved back to the "tips", I just can't compete and don't find it enjoyable at all.

    Compete against what? In seven years you have never played an alt game or a match play. You are a member of a club that is a year old and have been there that entire time. You have never used a FREE cc pass and have contributed zero xp's, but that's okay, the owner quit 5 days after he started the club, there has never even been a tournament in it. Most of the members are dead accounts and the few that are not are just newbie mobiles that have no clue or care. Not sure what you were competing against in the first place. I was ready to join Opy and send some clubs your way to keep you going but looks like a total lack of motivation to me.

    Did you used to like playing cards too, but when they wore out you quit playing instead of spending a couple bucks for a new deck? To me, your biggest accomplishment in seven years has been to get a half dozen guys arguing over you into an 8 page thread.

    Becareful TP when I posted my view about this it was much the same as yours . The pity party police jumped me and claimed that I was being harsh .The O/P 7 years and 0 friends . In a cc but 0 friends . Came to the forums to post a good bye but never to ask for advice guidance or help of any kind .

    Thye were never a friend to anyone nor seemed to try to let anyone be their friend as well .They havent even responded to any of the posts nor thanked anyone who thought they were worth being defended . Just goes to show how selfish they are as a person IMO just sayin . But no need for anyone to get bent out of shape over this . Because ladies and gentlemen Elvis has left the building .

    Im just sayin just sayin my nickle lol :-)


  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sun, Aug 21 2016 2:04 PM

    sorry, not interested.  my nickle.

    I think you may have misinterpreted my post.

    My intent was to take a bit of shot at the person who was giving you grief about not using the shift key. In other words, I was being sarcastic. He gave you grief while posting a link that didn't allow users to simply click on it. I thought that was pretty ironic. 

    In any case, I wasn't really suggesting that he teach you how to do that. I was suggesting that he learn how to post a link that allows users to simply click on it in order to open the link.

    I apologize if it came across that I was taking a shot at you. That was never my intent. Hit 'em straight and seldom!

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Aug 21 2016 2:27 PM

    Thye were never a friend to anyone nor seemed to try to let anyone be their friend as well .They havent even responded to any of the posts nor thanked anyone who thought they were worth being defended . Just goes to show how selfish they are as a person IMO just sayin .

    Why are you "just saying"?  You have absolutely no idea what he's like as a person. He may have been shy, embarrassed about his game or whatever, we don't know.

    Maybe he hasn't thanked/responded etc because he's left.

    How can people be upset with:

    "I've been a member here for about 7 years but the time has come to call it quits. Why ? Well it seems my move up to the Legend tier has rendered the game almost unplayable for me. I made it all those years with some basic equipment. Old Rapture clubs and basic putter, wedges and free balls served me well.

    Now that I am a Legend and have been moved back to the "tips", I just can't compete and don't find it enjoyable at all. Not interested in spending the money to upgrade my clubs either. Just not worth it for me personally.

    Anyhow. Not knocking WGT. It is what it is."

    No criticism of wgt or anyone else, just an honest and accurate assessment of where he found himself with this game.  Maybe he didn't think of or want handouts or to do the work to earn credits. 

    Of course many others would join a more active cc and play red tee stuff or cheat and start again with another another account.  He was just honest and gave up as he wasn't enjoying it.  Maybe the post was for him, a closure after 2,680 rounds and seven years.

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Sun, Aug 21 2016 5:32 PM


    Thye were never a friend to anyone nor seemed to try to let anyone be their friend as well .They havent even responded to any of the posts nor thanked anyone who thought they were worth being defended . Just goes to show how selfish they are as a person IMO just sayin .

    Why are you "just saying"?  You have absolutely no idea what he's like as a person. He may have been shy, embarrassed about his game or whatever, we don't know.

    Maybe he hasn't thanked/responded etc because he's left.

    How can people be upset with:

    "I've been a member here for about 7 years but the time has come to call it quits. Why ? Well it seems my move up to the Legend tier has rendered the game almost unplayable for me. I made it all those years with some basic equipment. Old Rapture clubs and basic putter, wedges and free balls served me well.

    Now that I am a Legend and have been moved back to the "tips", I just can't compete and don't find it enjoyable at all. Not interested in spending the money to upgrade my clubs either. Just not worth it for me personally.

    Anyhow. Not knocking WGT. It is what it is."

    No criticism of wgt or anyone else, just an honest and accurate assessment of where he found himself with this game.  Maybe he didn't think of or want handouts or to do the work to earn credits. 

    Of course many others would join a more active cc and play red tee stuff or cheat and start again with another another account.  He was just honest and gave up as he wasn't enjoying it.  Maybe the post was for him, a closure after 2,680 rounds and seven years.

    And you dont know anything or any more than the next person either . As was pointed out in a previous post they were blaming WGT for tiering them up to Legend  tier . Although it wasnt a rant it was a subtle finger point at WGT for the reason of quitting . Anyway Im going to follow my advice and let this one go . Why am I going to sit here and argue over a player who wouldnt even try to help themselves .

    Sorry if my posts offended any and all members of the pity party patrol . Just sayin cause its my nickle .


  • pmm711
    5,767 Posts
    Sun, Aug 21 2016 6:10 PM

    I'm sending this to lee22sharon...

    And this is my new sign off...


  • pmm711
    5,767 Posts
    Sun, Aug 21 2016 6:16 PM

    Per Lee...this kid is in deep chit...

