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56's on congressional

Sun, May 22 2011 2:43 PM (85 replies)
  • troyronaldson
    382 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 3:48 PM



    I would love to see with my own eyes how someone could shoot those low scores. Would someone please share the cheat with me, or at least have someone video you while your playing the game and post it . That,s 1 instructional video i,d love to have....... sorry if i offended anyones integrity.


    Yes, I'll share...


    Play, play, play.


    There's your cheat.


    You whinny bi tchy babies...geez, I played the course 3 times with starter balls and went 71, 67, 64.


    Whiney ;little babies crying cheat.


    Give me a break.


    Oh...need a tissue?



    when i grow up i wanna be just like you :/


  • pluer
    142 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 4:03 PM

    wait for my 49 lols

  • norcaldood
    11 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 4:19 PM

    have  you considered practicing more?  thats how most people improve

  • Dukiedong
    73 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 6:20 PM

    LMAO there are guys out there like PGABOUND67 AND BOLLUXINBRUGES and AVATARLEE that can play really play. Why is it that when some guys master a game those who can't call them cheaters. I have played with these guys and I believe they are just that good...they're not cheaters. There may be some who do cheat but not all who shoot really low scores are cheaters. By the way I've shot 57 at KI and 58 at Oakmont along with a number of 59's at BPB and SA all as a I a cheater too???

  • Dukiedong
    73 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 6:24 PM

    Looks like you could use a bit more practice Troy...ur stats are kinda weak.

    409 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 6:54 PM

    Still  Have not had 1 reply to my post.  Goggle "perfect meter for wgt"  and tell me what you find.  A whole list of softwares available to forien players and some USA players.  So I will say it again, There are some players still using cheat softwares.  I even found 1 that will tell you the yardage markers like tiger woods has.  Again some players not all.  IF YOU DONT THINK SO   then tell me why those softwares are there.   DOC

  • PGAbound67
    565 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 6:57 PM


    LMAO there are guys out there like PGABOUND67 AND BOLLUXINBRUGES and AVATARLEE that can play really play. 

    lol, I appreciate the kind words man, but I'm not even close to the player those 2 are, maybe one day, definitely not now though, I can name at least 20 people who are much better than me. I have my runs of good scores, but I also have my runs of 33's. I'll tell you though, playing with the best players on this site greatly improved my game. I can't tell you how much I learned when I was paired with Infinito for the Deviations tournament. I've played with a lot of great players here(Jake, Priestess, Price, Infinito, Coolswing, Simo, Elvin,  Dan, JC, Jimbean, KyRock, Kam, Ncviz, Mrdyb, Speedy, iwb1 to name a few), and not once have I ever thought any of them cheated, and I lost a lot of matches against them. Every great player here has off rounds just like every average player here. The difference is the great players recover from those errant shots and birdie the next. It all comes down to the short game and learning all the nuances of the courses. I think it was Bollox that said in another thread that the truly great legends make 20ft putts like the average legends make 10 footers. I've played a couple of matches with Jake and I can tell you what makes him great is his putting. Granted, he hits good shots, but he literally knows every single putt from every single position possible on every single green, it's incredibly fun to watch putts falling from everywhere he ends up. I've never had the priveledge to play with Bollox or AvLee, but I look forward to the day I get to. These guys aren't cheaters, they're just THAT good. They didn't get that way without thousands of rounds and lots of notes, and neither will anyone else who does nothing but call people cheaters because they can't do it yet.

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 7:57 PM

    Its always a pleasure when you see fellow players recognizing the top players accomplishments.  Its refreshing to see.


  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 11:43 PM


    Its always a pleasure when you see fellow players recognizing the top players accomplishments.  Its refreshing to see.


    I think a lot of people just have trouble believing how it's possible to shoot 56 & 57's on a course when it was only open to play for 2 or 3 days.

    Most likely more than a few of the lower scoring players have been allowed to beta test the course prior to the rest being able to check it out. I know this happened before st andrews & oakmont came it'll be the same story here for sure.

    it ain't cheating but it still gives a distinct advantage to those who've been allowed to test it out days or weeks even before the rest of the field were allowed to try it out. Personally I don't really give a flying f*ck because it's only a damn's not like my life depends on  it or I make my living off WGT lol.

    Either way I say good luck to those who've hit decent scores...and wish folks would stop shouting cheat.

    Closest I got was today.....-9 going into last hole and got metered to f*cking death....ah well....there's plenty of time left to qualify.

    just sayin'


  • Noodon
    56 Posts
    Tue, May 17 2011 1:33 AM

    You want to get good at this game here is how....

    Dump your girlfriend or boyfriend.....

    Quit your job.......

    Have no friends.....

    Spend money upgrading and buying balls.....

    ...and just play this game....have you figured out how many rounds video game players......not golfers..... play to get to the the math....a ton and they know it.....that 's how you get good....seriously are you really going to practice...just jump in and's fun...and it should much as the meter totally sux and that's a fact.....

    nothing against it.....i've played quite a bit, but when someone says your stats are weak...just laugh and let them know you have a life....and keep laughing.....and laughing....have fun it's just a game.....not a life....

    have a great day and try the real sport...much more rewarding...and takes actual skill....