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Tue, Aug 29 2017 3:35 PM (190 replies)
  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, Aug 18 2017 2:15 PM

    A call for peace and non-violence.

    Think about it!

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Sat, Aug 19 2017 3:20 AM

    Somebody would protest that too, just to get their 15 minutes of fame.  Unfortunate, but so true. 

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Sat, Aug 19 2017 3:21 AM

    But it's a great thought, wish it could happen.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sat, Aug 19 2017 9:24 AM

    I'm sure it can: Just say No to fighting.

    "Turn the other cheek", then there ain't no "many sides" of violence.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Aug 19 2017 10:51 AM

    This goes way deeper than that. This is the stuff civil wars are made of. The hatred and bigotry is ingrained in too many ignorant people. Only solid leadership will maintain order and the United States is severely lacking there. That is what has to change.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Sat, Aug 19 2017 11:16 AM

       From what I have seen, the number of peace officers (from any service) were badly out numbered and were not used as well as they might have been.

       A licensed demonstration, parade, street event, is just that.  it can be written and approved in many different ways.  It may simply have been written incorrectly and therefore not enough attention was paid on how to control the event to preclude what took place.

       A zealot requires no particular guidance to become a disruptive force, and the more in attendance the bigger the disruption .  It does appear as tho the disruptive element was much more in control of their actions than either the other protesters or the acting police force.

       In a country where freedom of speech is one of those first 10 amendments, known as the bill of rights, it is often misunderstood and misused.  Until those who would plan to misuse it can be identified in advance of a given demonstration, actions such as this will continue.

       Persons in a position to know more than I do about such matters seem to fail more often than not.  There are solutions available to the government that would greatly eliminate these difficulties, but would also greatly hinder the public's ability to enjoy the freedom of speech as we know it.  my nickle.

  • bigrayyy
    53 Posts
    Sat, Aug 19 2017 11:39 AM

    this was not what I originally wanted to say but I didn't want to ignite a s h i tstorm...

    reading Jims post I'm reminded of the famous quote attributed to George Santayana

     'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.'   I"m gonna change that a little and say...Those who try to forget the past are doomed to repeat it

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sat, Aug 19 2017 11:50 AM

    This goes way deeper than that.

    Probably, but it will only gain power if you allow for it.

    Non-violent response or even ridiculing them should help to disable them. They seek attention like internet trolls - don't feed them!

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Aug 19 2017 12:47 PM

    Non-violent response or even ridiculing them should help to disable them. They seek attention like internet trolls - don't feed them!

    This is exactly the epic fail by today's leadership-there is no clear cut stance against this sort of behavior especially when leadership calls that a base of support. Half right when you're 100% wrong to begin with sends a most confusing message and empowers the wrong element. It's how you control the narrative.


  • gonfission
    2,257 Posts
    Sat, Aug 19 2017 1:07 PM

    Image result for muslims protesting sitting in streets

    Here are an abundance of people turning their cheeks towards the western world. As every Muslim must face Qibla, Qiblah, Qibleh, Kiblah, Kible, or Kibla to pray. It is a fixed position.

    Non-violent response or even ridiculing them should help to disable them

    How often are we to turn "the other cheek" when a very small minority, not Muslim, this time, however, same exact outcome from inciters, that want to disrupt the average cheek turning persons ability to move about, FREELY?

    Ridiculing them will only incite more retaliation. How many Muslims have you given safe haven to Alosso? You cook Halal meals for them too?

    Have you never made that connection? Mecca, is not an easterly vector, east of Mecca. However, the western world is always looking at the "cheeks"

    The cheeks remain the same.

    There used to be a saying that went, " If you think the price of education is expensive, try ignorance"...

    Well, now our country is TEACHING IGNORANCE, in all levels of schools. Cutting out historical events, to bend to the will of ignorance itself. This is not a racist issue.

    It is not a "week" Presidents issue either Jim.

    You can trace all the protest "Combatants" getting paid $25.00 an hour to show up, and create discord in this country now, back to your pariah, Obama, and Soros. Who along with the Clinton foundations donation, of $800,000.00 dollars, to continue to fund these irreverent protests, just last week.

    If the shoe fits!! 

    These are not working Americans out there. These are leftist combatants. They should be treated as such. Step out of line & get arrested, kick someone's ass, get a Billy club up-side your head. Pick you up after everything is cleaned up, & lock you up.

    I respect you alosso, however, you of all people should know what turning the other cheek begat your early country men & women. Has your countries mistake been written from history books as well in Germany?

    This is civil unrest. Nothing more, nothing less. If this turns into a civil war, I'm coming for NY city first!!

    This is a losing political parties only way to still be relevant. More intelligent people than most give credit to, are seeing it for what it is. A republican loss, has never manifested itself in this manner. EVER!