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*** Release notes 10/31/17 ***

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Thu, Dec 14 2017 7:47 AM (90 replies)
  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 5:40 AM
    Can I remove the sparkly thing that shows up during game play , The ball effects thing next to the nation flag ? I don't like it . It should only be there if you purchased ball effects ..
  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 5:45 AM
    Can I remove the sparkly thing that shows up during game play , The ball effects thing next to the nation flag ? I don't like it . It should only be there if you purchased ball effects ..
    Agreed, it's annoying
  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 6:13 AM
    PATHETIC..................................................USELESS...........................BEYOND INCOMPETENT.......................No wonder they can't get a ball sponsor: Dear Messrs Titleist.May we ask you t sponsor us for a small fee? Young monkeys here will enhance your product by adding fireworks to it that make it stutter and really hard to hit, because they are good at lovely colours and crap at running a bath...........Don't worry though we still have not fixed the forums, so who is going to notice???........................................................................................................................................... BTW (Chrome at least that one time at least) the comparison feature was doing the below..........................On the list even if not as exciting as thinking up which colours go into firework ball trails:
  • pearljammmmer
    4,268 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 6:40 AM
    Unbelievable! This site continues to try to get more money from their customers while ignoring glitches that have lasted for over a month. Look at Icon's OP...all one paragraph...DUH! Who the hell is running this place??? This is really disappointing.
  • garyk49
    2,327 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 7:02 AM
    Oh, it's apparent now. The programmers had no time to work on the fix for the forum, they been too busy with all of this. Remember, they must have been on a time chrunch to get it done for the 10/31 update.

    Now maybe they work on a fix.

    Yeah right I don't believe it either.
    382 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 7:21 AM
    Maybe we should complain to the B.B.B. We are after all PAYING CUSTOMERS who deserve to be heard. And in NEW YORK STATE they take this serious.
  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 7:32 AM
    Maybe we should complain to the B.B.B. We are after all PAYING CUSTOMERS who deserve to be heard. And in NEW YORK STATE they take this serious.
    Unfortunately, they would ptsl. The forum (and the tool bar) is what's broken and you're not PAYING for the use of that.
  • Mcduff61
    1,753 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 7:50 AM
    I wonder if there is enough of us who care about this game to communally invest into R and D of THE game we all would like to play. So we can get rid of WGT, making/creating the new standard for online golf/social gaming..Basically use the money they want to take from us to outmaneuver them in the online golf gaming catagory..Oh and have the game we all would like to play.... ****totally 100% shocked if anyone reads this post other than the WGT basement beast.......****
  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 8:35 AM


    Choose from your favorite WGT special effects, like popping champagne bottle vapor trails, sparkling fireworks or a flaming inferno, and add them to whichever virtual golf ball you have equipped!

    Yikes! I thought, this sounds ominous. Bugs must have been fixed though if they've time to fiddle with balls, so to speak.

    Started with a warm up, and wondered what the magic wand was. hmmm..

    Best of Putting 1 St Andrews. Best of WTF , who cares?

    Went to investigate. Maybe I missed it, but I would love a ball just a fraction smaller. Just so it fitted in the hole please.

    Cheers! Rich

  • Yiannis1970
    3,284 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 8:57 AM