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*** Release notes 10/31/17 ***

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Thu, Dec 14 2017 7:47 AM (90 replies)
  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 9:22 AM
    Doubt anyone cares much, but the Elite section of the ProShop is empty.
  • AlaskanDame
    19,406 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 9:24 AM
    When I first looked at balls, I didn't see the Nikes. I looked again and they are there. I need to finish my coffee.

    Bet you missed these [cough, cough] beauties! (for all of us turkeys?)

    WGT Turkey Vapor Balls Starting at 450 Credits Let the feathers fly with this seasonal vapor ball (gobble, gobble!)
  • twinponds169
    3,028 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 9:39 AM
    Doubt anyone cares much, but the Elite section of the ProShop is empty.
    As is the home of the Golden Sputter.
  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 10:15 AM
    Doubt anyone cares much, but the Elite section of the ProShop is empty.
    Probably the 6 players that did buy (cash in their credits legitimately) the Amazon Cards are the only ones who would care. The black market credit sellers will just have some new competition now. If the incentives are now gone, the credits have become the "coins" of the pc version, lol. Next downgrade...I mean downtime: The gift option and the gambling option will be history. That will kill off the those black market credit sellers, and leave only those who try to win enough for new balls/equipment. I think mags' cashing out 3 million credits broke their backs.
  • nammvett
    123 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 10:16 AM
    Special golf ball effects are now available to add to any virtual golf ball on WGT. Still promoting those worthless vapor type balls I see. They are nothing but trouble for anyone using them or playing with someone who is. MONEY..MONEY...and screw the rest of us. Not to mention no improvements for those of us PC users...who by the way are who made you famous and RICH in the first place!
  • Tamsach
    2,823 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 10:18 AM
    What a useless amount of improvements.... as usual. Probably will experience soon some new bugs coming from the exciting ball effects! So long
  • BillyMayfair
    4,631 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 10:36 AM

    anyone in business knows that communication is a vital part of success...especially when the ox cart is in the ditch.  Keeping your clients appraised of what the problem is, and what is being done to solve it puts them "in the process" Ignoring the issue just escalates the problem, and ulitmately will cost you that client.  And in this case....

    I don't mean to be stepping on toes here but....

    the "problem" was last addressed over two weeks ago...

    ...and so much for being "actively on the case".  Admittedly Icon had mentioned he was going on vacation for two weeks so he personally gets somewhat of a pass here.  But ignoring and not addressing it in the release notes when it had to be known that it would be an issue is wrong.

    And this...

    ...again, question ignored, no response.

    Maybe I'm misinterpreting the role of those with the "WGT" prefix in their names.  Is the role of the "moderator" just to "police" the conversation, making sure the language etc isn't abusive etc.?  Is it to be nothing more than a ventroliquist dummy and tell us the great things WGT is doing for us (i.e. top down communication)?  Or is it to act as a liason between the two parties (WGT and us, the users) and listen to what is being said, communicate it to the proper people and then adise us what is being done to address the issues.

    I'll admit I don't know Icon or Champion or any other "WGT'er but I do see people who do know them and they probably rightfully so defend them with "don't shoot the messenger" proverb.  But certainly they must know that this "posting" issue has upset a lot of the members...and by totally ignoring it, or not addressing it for weeks and months on end does nothing to enhance their "reputation" 

    Like I said initially, I hope I'm not stepping on any toes here, but there has to be some kind of communication about this, or as only one're about to lose me.

    Wayne (BillyMayfair)



  • alosso
    21,054 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 11:07 AM
    The mods' roles have been cut down long time ago, obviously. Before, Icon (with the longest service record) used to be very communicative and informative, and others, too, but it has diminished largely since. Methinks that they have other priorised tasks now and may have just an hour per day (during lunchtime?) to look into the forums. Answers are scarce. You can follow their posts in their activities - it's not too much, there are plenty of days without any WGT activity here.
  • ScottHope
    10,339 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 12:06 PM
    If the misaligned compared items in the pro shop is driving anyone nuts, they can be temporarily re-aligned with a little Javascript.

    Select and compare your items as normal, then right click anywhere on the page and select Inspect or Inspect Element from the context menu to open the developer tools.

    In the developer tools, click on the Console tab, then copy the Javascript in blue below, and paste it into the Console window at the prompt. Use CTRL + V to paste, or right click and select Paste from the context menu. When you have pasted in the Javascript, hit your Enter key to apply it.

    If you need to apply the Javascript again for another compare, there's no need to copy and paste repeatedly, just click the up arrow on your keyboard while the prompt is flashing in the Console window, and your Javascript will re-appear.

    var divs = document.querySelectorAll("div[id*='Snack']");
    for (i=0; i<divs.length; i++){divs[i].style.display = "none";}

  • Borat74
    2,797 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 12:17 PM
    And again Scott gives us all somethin back,N1 m8y appreciate that as i was comparing items before in the pro shop and found that 1 was at the bottom of the page,hhmm,sigh.