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never mind - forget about it .

Fri, Aug 24 2018 4:50 PM (61 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Aug 19 2018 9:02 AM


    We are indeed a violent people...having a fascist at the top just makes it that much worse.

    DON'T mention the War  ffs.. O actually it was Alo who brought up 1945 :D

    Couldn't get away with that language nowadays  ;))))

  • DeneOjibway
    19 Posts
    Sun, Aug 19 2018 5:24 PM


    Our country does not require that you speak american to live here..."


    English you mean?

  • alosso
    21,056 Posts
    Sun, Aug 19 2018 8:55 PM

    I beg to differ: It was fatdan who invoked Godwin's law - I was in defence.

    But Friedel is right - this ain't the place for such conversations.

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sun, Aug 19 2018 10:53 PM


    I beg to differ: It was fatdan who invoked Godwin's law

    Sorry my man, I'm in NOOOOOO way like you are!

    In no way am I ignorant enough to hold the current citizenry of Germany accountable for something that happened in the 1920' thru 1940's, kinda like holding Americans today accountable for slavery! Wouldn't even go there, Both very bad era's.....

    I would hold them accountable for the Merkel years, especially if I lived there....LOL

    The fact is, I could care less what your think about anything,  the fact is that you came to the US for a vacation, I have never even given Germany a  thought when deciding where to vacation LOL, and I used to buy for a couple of German veneer companies...

    Are we violent, your d@mn right, if you mess with us! Otherwise we are good natured people, like most countries....

    Now Mark is a real easy going guy, but the really violent people here are oddly enough on the same side of the fence as Mark is, they hate this president and want another one who will give free sh!t to them to appease them, it's all about entitlements to them.....screw everyone else!

    OH Well....

  • LuckySkreet
    611 Posts
    Sun, Aug 19 2018 11:32 PM



    I beg to differ: It was fatdan who invoked Godwin's law

    Sorry my man, I'm in NOOOOOO way like you are!

    In no way am I ignorant enough to hold the current citizenry of Germany accountable for something that happened in the 1920' thru 1940's, kinda like holding Americans today accountable for slavery! Wouldn't even go there, Both very bad era's.....

    I would hold them accountable for the Merkel years, especially if I lived there....LOL

    The fact is, I could care less what your think about anything,  the fact is that you came to the US for a vacation, I have never even given Germany a  thought when deciding where to vacation LOL, and I used to buy for a couple of German veneer companies...

    Are we violent, your d@mn right, if you mess with us! Otherwise we are good natured people, like most countries....

    Now Mark is a real easy going guy, but the really violent people here are oddly enough on the same side of the fence as Mark is, they hate this president and want another one who will give free sh!t to them to appease them, it's all about entitlements to them.....screw everyone else!

    OH Well....

     "it's all about entitlements to them.....screw everyone else!"         Yep..............

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2018 1:11 AM
    Looks like our present political situation has over ridden the orginal post and taken off on a rant, tangent, which does not matter. He (or it?) was elected by our rules and laws and will probably serve his first 4 year term, unless he is impeached, physically, or mentally unable to serve. Back to the orginal topic or start a different post. my nickle.
  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2018 1:38 AM

    Mistakes happen......

    Report of a woman with a knife, near an institution (edit: deleted reference to not speaking English as not sure about that at the reporting stage).......

    On the way they were likely thinking of stats going the wrong way, and adrenaline rushing.  

    They arrive and are confronted with an unexpected headscarf and the person definitely does not speak English nor is she acting that coherently.

    News says a 5' 87 yr old gets tasered by a team armed to the teeth in protective clothing, and it looks horrible.  The police say they are reviewing things after defending a low level of force.

    My opinion is that they certainly need to review things.  It's also true some cops are better than other more ordinary ones and sometimes mistakes will happen anyway.  Fortunately, no one is seriously injured.


    The area is below average for violent crime but does suffer from too much property crime - Sounds like so many places, anywhere, where employment/income could be better.  On the whole a lot of very ordinary, decent and reasonable people that mostly vote right of centre - I don't see what they are doing wrong.  Each to their own views though (I would not have that part any other way).

    EDIT 2:)

    Dandelion and Burdock drink.............Apparently once a Mead type drink in the Middle Ages.  Can buy it as a soft drink or alcoholic although have to look hard for the latter and not exactly everywhere the soft version..........Tried the soft version as a kid and thought it tasted revolting, and so never tried the latter.  Each to their own though:)





  • alosso
    21,056 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2018 2:19 AM

    Looks like our present political situation has over ridden the orginal post [...]
    This old woman used a knife to cut Dandelions in this present society - no overriding but deduction.

    To fatdan: You didn't answer my question - too hard to explain yourself? Only thing is, the "Dandelion case" shows the violence internal to your country. Elsewhere, police might have de-escalated the situation and solved it peacefully, but there, she was just shot  - problem down. More luck to her than to the other guy in mental disorder who received bullets for not following their orders even though he presented no danger.

    Good natured? Each to his own.

    (Yes I know that these are extremes, but just too many!)

  • Wontonamo
    2,269 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2018 2:51 AM

    i remember a physiotherapist that was shot by police a couple of years ago while having his arms up in the air trying to tell police his patient wasnt dangerous and had a toy truck in his hands. charles kinsey was his name and when he was shot by the officer, he asked why did you shoot me.....the office replied ' i dont know'. apparently he was handcuffed and left bleeding on the ground for 20 minutes before anyone treated his injuries.....

    i guess whatever improvements they made to what actions police take really helped here - they used a taser instead of a gun lol

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2018 3:15 AM

    Read this thread again.....................

    America is NOT a violent or uncaring society.  Heck it's more than pulled its weight in keeping peace without asking questions over cost.

    If you allow guns there will be mistakes.  Now away from arguing for or against it's the argument used for continuing to disallow British cops from not having them ordinarily.  

    Over and over (any one that knows me) it's another reason why American gun ownership law needs another look at.  Oz police do carry guns normally - Anything gun America goes off the scale v anywhere real soon, but that's it and no more.

    Violent crime is up in too many places incl Germany (edit: fully appreciating that overall in the country v latest says down, fortunately)

    In London violence (particularly knife crime) is going through the roof.  OK through the roof as in overall violence about comparable with NYC for the first time, but unlike NYC who had the guts to say zero tolerance the trend is sharply up in London v continuing down over many years in NYC.  Nothing indicative of a violent society.

    Back to the old lady getting tasered.  It made national / international news, thus it's unusual in the very extreme.  Fortunately, she is physically OK and yes they will look at it - All as they jolly well should in the generally superb society enjoyed by Americans that many envy, which is why so many try to get there versus those wishing to leave.