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never mind - forget about it .

Fri, Aug 24 2018 4:50 PM (61 replies)
  • alosso
    21,056 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2018 4:51 AM

    A physiotherapist was shot - that's the correct story. Thanks for the correction.

    America is NOT a violent or uncaring society. 

    Agree to disagree, also to your sneaky extension. IMHO, it's not just the police but the whole society.

    Talking about violence, you don't really compare 1.12 homicides per 100,000 in Germany to 5.6 per 100,000 in the US, do you? (regardless of the weapon used)

    Alas, I rather leave the argument here. Questions of fate are off topic by the guidelines ;)

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2018 6:07 AM

    Well, i shot a decent 58 in the..........

    oops, sorry, wrong room.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2018 6:29 AM

    Agree to disagree, also to your sneaky extension. IMHO, it's not just the police but the whole society.

    Nothing sneaky.Golf forum I wanted to steer clear of pocket discussions.

    Non Lethal crime wise or mental health or anything else America compares with any other good nation. 

    Now open up lethal crime it goes off the scale v anything else, and the one and only difference is gun proliferation................My view is that part needs looking at but some disagree it has anything to do with it.........

    Back to the old lady.  The area is an OK one that is full of decent people.  The police will look into it and maybe they need to adjust some (it's not their finest hour) but she is physically OK after the taser.

    I feel as safe walking around NYC as London.  You know where not to go and big city rules about not eyeballing.  Get out of the capitals people tend to be very nice both places.............I am sure we can all YouTube police being jerks all over (Oz too), but the London Bobby is also known to be courteous if you speak to them politely..........


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2018 6:31 AM


    Well, i shot a decent 58 in the..........

    oops, sorry, wrong room.

    Crossed in posting...................Yep, bet you thought it was a golf site,,,Tut tut :)

  • alosso
    21,056 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2018 11:55 AM

    Non Lethal crime wise or mental health or anything else America compares with any other good nation. 

    I beg to differ.

    They care a sh*t about pregnant minority women - excelling death rate!

    They care a sh*t about pupils in public schools - no funding.

    They care a sh*t about the average consument targeted by scammers - protection discarded.

    Violence ain't only a fist in the face!

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2018 12:25 PM


    To fatdan: You didn't answer my question - too hard to explain yourself?

    I think I did before you even got into your rant in this's what is important to me, just yesterday without a thought I went to a Soccer game with no fear what so ever of someone setting off a bomb....I can go to one  in your country too, but not without fear, thank you Angela! What isn't important is your skewed uninformed opinion, regardless of how superior you "think" you are!

    Good natured? Each to his own.

    Hey, I'm just happy that you got to save money on your vacation in this country by spending a week or so at the home of a American member of this site, who is also a proud veteran of our military service, and not once did you get robbed, shot at, or rousted by our violent police force....welcome aboard!



    i remember a physiotherapist that was shot by police a couple of years ago while having his arms up in the air trying to tell police his patient wasnt dangerous and had a toy truck in his hands. charles kinsey

    I hate to break this to ya but that happens in a lot of countries if you would like to search a little harder....there are even countries who would abduct him, and post a video of his beheading for no reason other than effect!

    Hundreds of school girls get abducted in a country, people are killed just because of their heritage, or religion!

    And this incident is all you people can come up with! Get over yourselves !!




    I beg to differ.

    They care a sh*t about pupils in public schools - no funding.

    AHEM, you aint doing so hot either Sparky! Go figure...

    OECD average 493 496 501
    Shanghai-China 556 600 575
    Korea-South 539 546 538
    Finland 536 541 554
    Hong Kong-China 533 555 549
    Singapore 526 562 542
    Canada 524 527 529
    New Zealand 521 519 532
    Japan 520 529 539
    Australia 515 514 527
    Netherlands 508 526 522
    Belgium 506 515 507
    Norway 503 498 500
    Estonia 501 512 528
    Switzerland 501 534 517
    Poland 500 495 508
    Iceland 500 507 496
    United States 500 487 502
    Liechtenstein 499 536 520
    Sweden 497 494 495
    Germany 497 513 520
    Ireland 496 487 508
  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2018 12:55 PM

    and this is why I seldom read the forum anymore. Yeah, it's "everything else" but does nothing but stir up arguments which, IMHO, have no place on a golf site here for fun. 

  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2018 1:35 PM

    I didn't mean to start a riot , Sorry guys .

    Lets forget about it and move on .. 

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2018 2:02 PM

    Argument, in the true sense of the word, is a good thing.  One takes a position and defends it while respecting and attacking the opposing position.  This is how we come to meaning and truth together.  This is how politics should work.

    Fighting, on the other hand, has nothing to do with true argument.  Fighting is easy, requires no thought, and seldom, if ever, involves a process to seek meaning and truth.

    Fighting is how we initiate problems.  Argument is how we solve them.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2018 5:44 PM

    .....To alsso:

    .........Yes, she used a knife to cut something.  A rather common occurance, undoors or out.  It appears from what I read there was not an animal or a person who was being physically threatened by what she was doing,  Only the person who called it in and the cops.................

    ..........To help clarifiy something I will try to describe the tool that was designed by an engineer (I'm sure)......It is a piece of sold round steel with a comfort handle, wood, or cork, it is 14 - 16 inches long, with a bend in it to assist in getting leverage.  At the working end it has been flattened out to maybe 1 1/2 inches (I own 2, both a little different) in the flatened part it has a V shaped cut in it that has been factory sharped to a high degree.  It's purpose is to sever the dandylion root as far below the surface of the soil as possiable and then to dig around the flower stem to pull the remainder completly out of the groundn by hand........,.

    ..........If this tool was to be used by someone as a weapon, I think I would fear it more than I would by a knife. (an 87 year old woman as the aggressor, of course).....................

    ..........From what I have read here in the forum on this subject I think I can safely say that you are an alarmist of the first degree.  my nickle