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Avatar movements have changed!

Mon, Oct 10 2011 6:51 AM (147 replies)
  • Glas67
    117 Posts
    Sun, Oct 9 2011 5:10 AM



    I use a cthruview overlay  that is very, very precise.  Courtesy of DocMurphy's post.  Here's a look at power set to 95%



    Andy, can you help me with something on that post.  I'd like to try that out, but I was wondering what was meant by this part...

    "Step 4. Using the magic wand tool (also called other things depending on the software but its the tool that allows you to click in an area and select specific areas of the image) Click in the area of the picture where the inerior of the meter is for WGT. Make sure when doing this it only selects the area between the beginning of the meter and the first marker line before the ding line."

    Going from the left side of the meter, do you copy to the line immediately to the left of the ding line (as suggested in his post) or just to the 0% power line (which would really be the 3rd line to the left of the ding line)?  i.e the red or the green mark on this image?


    Edit:  It's not very clear in the image, but you can just about see a green and red mark next to 2 of the lines lol.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sun, Oct 9 2011 7:09 AM

    Glas67, I used the 0% power line, the green one on your image.

  • Glas67
    117 Posts
    Sun, Oct 9 2011 8:55 AM


    Glas67, I used the 0% power line, the green one on your image.

    That's what I thought, thanks mate!


  • Glas67
    117 Posts
    Sun, Oct 9 2011 9:36 AM


    Glas67, I used the 0% power line, the green one on your image.


    Ok, I dunno what I am doing wrong here.  I copied all the instructions, made my bar with the paint app on windows and marked all the increments and this is how it came out....


    After this, I put it in to cthruview program, and this is what showed....

    ?action=view¤t=cthruview 1.jpg


    I can't see what I am supposed to do next, or where my meter bar is on there.  Am I just being stupid here?

  • Glas67
    117 Posts
    Sun, Oct 9 2011 9:39 AM

    Hmmm, for some reason the images are going very small and being unreadable.

    Basically, I select the relevant image in cthruview, but no bar shows on the program.  Where is it supposed to show, below the check boxes?

  • Glas67
    117 Posts
    Sun, Oct 9 2011 11:04 AM

    Okay, got it sorted.  I didn't realise when I made the bar in paint, I then had to crop it so that it was only selecting the highlighted part.  Basically my bar image was a whole white page with a small black bar at the top.  If that makes sense lol....

    Main thing is, I have it and it works good :-)

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sun, Oct 9 2011 12:18 PM

    Sorry, I hadn't been following the forum this morning.  Glad you got it sorted.

  • YoteBuster
    65 Posts
    Mon, Oct 10 2011 6:51 AM

    Thanks for your original post Andyson.  Thanks to you I was able to duplicate your meter and get my mojo back :)