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Wed, Nov 9 2011 10:03 AM (174 replies)
  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 1:52 PM

    It beggars belief that WGT refuse to even sway a little on this harshest of punishment they've handed out.

    When the measure of punishment completely outweighs the misdemeanor, then it really is time to re-evaluate the whole situation.

    Serial killers get treated better.


  • flaccus
    516 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 2:06 PM


    Sorry guys... I don't mind if he comes back, but I'm not going to give up any golf for him.

    You can only ask so much...

    Late onto this, and know nothing of course, but my 2 bob:

    I note that Mio harrassed JaLaBar. Now, JaLaBar has excellent taste in music (see fav music thread).  Mio, on the other hand, evidently had the pedantic passion so bad he was prepared to correct Lizzie's grammar. 

    IMHO WGT cannot afford to lose either of them.

  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 5:01 PM

    so get over it already.


  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 5:05 PM


    Bottom line guys, 

    Mio must have done something other than what he did in the publics eye that violated the T&C's in a serious enough way to merit a ban, at this point it shouldnt matter what it was to you, its none of your business, so just drop it and move on.


    It is my business. He is a friend of mine and many others. I value friendship, perhaps you don't.

    If you don't like our stance than there are plenty of other threads you can stick your unwanted oar into.i.e. take your own advice and move on.

  • ljbast
    943 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 5:22 PM

      As a friend of both Mio and JaLaBar, I'm kinda in a tuff situation. I'm sure that Mio would apologize if he could. Calling out many many multi-accounters, you are sure to throw in a couple innocent ones along the way. If anyone really knows Mio, he is only trying to do the dirty work that WGT should and aren't doing.

      JaLaBar is a decent gent, I'm happy to be friends with him, just wish this whole thing never happened. If JLB is open enough to accept Mio back with restrictions, I think WGT should consider it at the least.

    When it comes down to it, It wasn't anyone mentioned so far, someone that seems to be absent in the forums lately, not sure if WGT did anything, I'm going to look. In short I have seen both sides of this story (yes Yankee Jim), have seen screen shots and all. Plus that video that was up for a couple hours yesterday just made me sick.

    This whole site needs to get back to normality if it it possible. This last week has been brutal for accusations and my thinking of the integrity of how things are managed here are waning very fast.

    Please WGT, don't  keep doing the same things.

    *to Mental chaos, if you you don't know anything about Mio or some of the good things he did for the community here, you should save your posts for a different thread.


  • ThreeSpot
    476 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 6:56 PM



    Bottom line guys, 

    Mio must have done something other than what he did in the publics eye that violated the T&C's in a serious enough way to merit a ban, at this point it shouldnt matter what it was to you, its none of your business, so just drop it and move on.


    It is my business. He is a friend of mine and many others. I value friendship, perhaps you don't.

    If you don't like our stance than there are plenty of other threads you can stick your unwanted oar into.i.e. take your own advice and move on.

    I understand this is a personal and heartfelt issue, but given the nature of this discussion I'd have thought honest disagreement and open discourse, if not embraced, would at least be accepted.

  • MentalChaos
    141 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 8:00 PM


    It is my business. He is a friend of mine and many others. I value friendship, perhaps you don't.

    If you don't like our stance than there are plenty of other threads you can stick your unwanted oar into.i.e. take your own advice and move on.

    You might feel bad for the guy, feel like he didnt deserve it.. whatever the case may be.. the point is YOU ARE NOT THE ADMIN OR OWNER of this game.. therefore it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS as to why the people in charge did what they did.. you can *** about it and disagree with it all you want.. and they never have to tell you why they did it or even listen to your please..and until you create your own game then you really have no say in what goes on around here.. and blah blah I know you'll come back with "oh but im a whiny paying customer and the customer is always right", however... all you really are is a donator.. and once you turned over your money to the company, its theirs to do with what they want and you just have to live with it.

    Obviously the guy harassed people to no end.. so good reddens.. If you were to pay to say hit a round of golf at a course.. and there was some guy driving around in a golf cart yelling out loud that the group in front of you are all cheaters and hacks and drove around the course annoying the crap out of people, would you not want the management to throw them out so you can enjoy your round.. well this may be a virtual world.. but its the exact same concept.. so get over it. You cant be a hypocrit and say you would want one thing but if it were your friend driving around doing it, it would be ok...

  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 8:16 PM

    I disagree on many of your points.


    If I spend good money on this site and then I find myself banned at the whim of the operators, I would feel pretty annoyed.

    I know this game is only BETA, but what if Sony customers were treated this way when their credit card details were compromised.

    I feel all members have the right to know WGTs banning policy is. The biggest demand from all honest player is what is WGT doing to root out cheats and sandbaggers. Those that mention them on these forums seem to find them very easily at the top of the monthly tournaments and RGs. Yet, WGT seem unable to do this simple detective work for themselves.

    This frustrates member to such a degree that they begin calling out obvious cheaters. WGT's response is to come down heavily on the whistleblower. If they did their job in the first place there would be no need for us to speak about it in the forums.

    Mio's crime was to take the cheaters disproportionally seriously. I, couldn't give a fig about what sadsacks do to build their credit bank or ego. Mio just couldn't bring himself to ignore it.

    WGTs stance on these issues speaks of one of two things: 1) incompetence on their part, or 2) a wish to do nothing about it.

    So, when you come on here and say it is none of our business, you are very wrong. A system that allows for cheaters to cheat without sanction, and robs players of tournament standings and credits, is no system at all. It affects every player on here.

    An example: a lot of these cheats hang around the lower levels - hacks, amateurs and pros and clean up the credits that honest starter players need to buy equipment and progress. I would say that a lot of potential new players look at those ridiculously low scores and are put off of WGT for life. They leave and their credit card goes with them.

    Knowing Mio very well, I can see how he pushed the buttons to hard. I still don't see why he can't be allowed to play the game with no posting or messaging ability.

    Someone pointed out that everyone is entitled to an opinion on here. Everyone except Mio it seems. You can't have it both ways. 

  • MentalChaos
    141 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 8:24 PM

    For all you people know he got banned for being a multi-accounter himself... have you people not thought about that.. for all you know he had asecond or third account he was feeding balls from.. just because you guys think you know someone doesnt mean you do... I mean what better to do to remove a target off your back for having multiple accounts than to point out EVERY OTHER person who does.. Or maybe he was banned because he got overzealous one day and said something to an admin or to the support staff that he shouldnt have.. or maybe he frauded WGT in some way I cant even think of right now.. 

    Just because you think you know why he was banned.. and maybe he told you a version of why he was banned.. doesnt mean youre hypothesis is correct or that he wasnt lying to save face when he told you the story..

    I'm sure if WGT banned him they had a very valid reason, you dont just cut off someone from accessing funds they invested without merit.

    And if it were something other than the harrasing of multi's and cheats.. then it would make since that WGT would keep that info private as to not embarras the guy... 

    And like i said in the beginning just because you were friends with the guy, or thought you knew the guy, its still none of your business as to why he was banned.. just know that it was for a reason and as long as you follow the T&C's, it wont happen to you too...


  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 8:47 PM

    Then they should tell us.

    Have you been here long enough to see how many times the Great WGT have screwed up this product? They messed around with it a couple of weeks back without thinking of telling anyone.

    Now, I have never seen WGT state that people can play with their toy only if they accept that WGT are completely omnipotent in every respect. In fact, they like to come across as accesible to the membership, and even offer forums for this purpose.

    The forums are not here just for everyone to tell WGT how great they are.

    In the USA independence was fought for because people didn't want to pay taxes without representation. But it now seems many people are happy to believe what their government tells them without question. In fact protestors are being arrested to protect this system just to silence their voices.

    It is not my intention to turn this into a politivçcal debate. But I can draw parallels here. WGt are their own little government, and Mio seems to be their Wikileak. On either side of that fence are people that applaud wikileak disclosures, people that want to bury their head and be governed, and those that would like a bit of both.

    A bit of transparancy on the issue would be nice.


    Dor my part, I played alongside Mio from Master through Tour Master and we made Legend within two weeks of each other. There was no way he cheated or multi accounted. He has been without work for a long time, and some felt sorry enough for him to gift him balls and credits. He also won credits in Match games and struggled like most of us in RGs.

    WGT have kicked the man while he is down. And to me that is disgusting behaviour. I hope for their sakes that someone doesn't do it to them one day.