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Wed, Nov 9 2011 10:03 AM (174 replies)
  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Mon, Oct 3 2011 4:14 PM

    If I might throw my 1/50th of a buck in here,

    I too have no issues with Mio, and have seen nothing in the forums that would account for his ban. That doesn't mean something didn't happen behind the scenes, and I think by now it should be crystal clear that WGT is mum on the subject.

    I would normally support WGT in their decision, other than a few things that should be pointed out that warrant Mio being free'd.

    #1) Many here have committed TOS violation and not been banned for good, myself included

    #2) WGT has been accused of treating players with differing level of repercussion. They have stood fast and stated that it doesn't happen, and even asked for examples of when it does. A poster in this very thread has shared his own experience and explained how he avoided punishment for improper behavior, due to his friendly nature with the mod. How's that for an example WGT? 

    #3) I have personally witnessed and reported behavior so far beyond the TOS that the player involved should have been banned for life. He wasn't even given a timeout in the threads. Not digging up old dirt, cause that situation seems to have passed, but the example goes to show the differential treatment WGT applies to it's TOS violators.

    Based on these, I think it would be a sensible gesture for WGT to find some way to work it out with Mio, give him a stern reminder, and let him back. Geez, it isn't like the guy is prancing on his wall for a public apology from WGT (sorry for the after thought for those of you tenured enuf for that to make sense.....)

    C'mon WGT - make this better!






  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Oct 3 2011 5:05 PM

    Mio, it appears you have enough people on your side. I still haven't gotten my answer to the Constitution not applying to WGT. I guess there are certain companies in this country that are beyond the rules set forth by our founding fathers. That is if WGT is really based in this country. Appears to me they are from an unknown location where they have total control over peoples lives. Regardless, the fact that not one of the pockets we have padded, has the balls to come forward and say something is totally beyond belief. Not only have they decided to stay silent, I believe they think they are just so far above us, that we are not worth their time. High class dealers who got us hooked on this drug. What goes up, must come down. Several thousands of the real money paying people on here could drop them like a hot rock. In short, speak up WGT.

  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Mon, Oct 3 2011 8:38 PM


    I guess I need a week off as well.

    Let me know when our vacation starts.

    Mine starts Sunday morning. One week no play, one week no pay.

  • argydehes
    72 Posts
    Tue, Oct 4 2011 12:19 AM


    Mine starts Sunday morning. One week no play, one week no pay.


    I will do this too, but does this mean no forums too??


  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Tue, Oct 4 2011 3:33 AM

    Sorry guys... I don't mind if he comes back, but I'm not going to give up any golf for him.

    You can only ask so much...

  • Spiders1
    362 Posts
    Tue, Oct 4 2011 7:09 AM

    I don't know the whole story on Mio and I have played with him many times. I don't read many posts in here because it seems just a lot of complaining.But there is a point you can't cross. This is second time he has been kicked off wgt because of his opinion I believe. I know if you harass someone you should be out of here. And if you didn't learn the first time shame on  you.

    If you don't like someone don't play with them. I think WGT would be better off fixing bugs on game instead of all these adds they are putting in here.

    As you can see why i don't post much is i loose track of what i

  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Tue, Oct 4 2011 8:47 AM

    I will do this too, but does this mean no forums too??


    Nah, check the forums to see if WGT offer an explanation.

    I know it's futile, but I like to stick by my mates.

  • argydehes
    72 Posts
    Tue, Oct 4 2011 10:41 AM


    I will do this too, but does this mean no forums too??


    Nah, check the forums to see if WGT offer an explanation.

    I know it's futile, but I like to stick by my mates.


    I believe some "Free Mio" avatars are in order for our daily posts then :)  Hell I don't even know the guy but from what I've heard and a lack of what I've seen out of WGT on the matter in all of the threads talking about "the issue".. I think I know what side of the fence I fall on.


    Game On.  I'm off to make me a nice avatar for the week.  Laters.


  • givmio1mrechance
    5 Posts
    Tue, Oct 4 2011 11:56 AM

    Newbie here, needs help on how to start a save Mio fan club


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Oct 4 2011 7:12 PM

    Simply put, We Do Not Matter. All our pleas are falling on deaf ears. MIO obviously called the wrong person out, someone with the power above all power.  That has to be the only reason he is suffering this fate. Sounds like a major stock holder got caught trying to manipulate the system and was figured out.