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2010 WMPL Champion: werksux!!

Fri, Jul 9 2010 12:41 PM (326 replies)
  • Stellarscience
    65 Posts
    Tue, Feb 9 2010 4:18 AM

    I know I am a little late ... But can I still get into this????  Let me know

  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Tue, Feb 9 2010 5:29 AM


    I know I am a little late ... But can I still get into this????  Let me know

    Yep, you are just a bit late... the qualifying process was held all last month.  There is always next year...


  • villadeoro
    419 Posts
    Tue, Feb 9 2010 5:36 AM
    hi niv. Im talking with flocke 2308, my week paring, and tell me that he goes holidays this week and he dont know if he has a connection to play the game. Could I wait for him?
  • coolswing
    1,017 Posts
    Tue, Feb 9 2010 5:39 AM

    Hi nivlac,

    I noticed that in the international standings you had me down as 1-0 under Home and shaghar 0-1 under away.  Shouldn't that be the other way around since shaghar was the home team for our match recently ?  Please check it when you can.  

    Thanks very much for organizing this great competition for all of us, I for one who has organized a few tourneys knows what it's like so I really appreciated your effort and hard work.

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Tue, Feb 9 2010 11:54 AM

    don: Oops, fixed.  And yes, differential is correct.

    villadeoro:  Er, that's no good.  Please keep trying to setup a match with him.  Make sure he is aware of the "3 strikes" rule.  If he misses 3 matches during the season he will be removed from the league and an alternate will take over. 

    coolswing: Oops, fixed.

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Tue, Feb 9 2010 12:39 PM

    A few more results are in today.  Check out the scoreboard to see those.

    Also, I've added a new feature at the very bottom of the front page called the WMPL Hole-In-One club.  If you or your opponent make an ace during competition please make sure to note it in the highlights section.  All players who make an ace will be listed on the front page for the duration of the season.

    Please congratulate DougBieker who got the very first ace of the season on the 14th Hole @ Bethpage from the White Tees.

  • rarbl
    40 Posts
    Thu, Feb 11 2010 11:58 AM

    Hey Nivlac, I've been trying to arrange a match with t.j-jiminez, and have been contacting him every day-ish; he let me know that he needed to play before the weekend -- I tried arranging a game yesterday, but he didn't reply; now he sent me a message today saying that he needed to play today because he was leaving tomorrow; and I can't play for another couple hours because of school - which is apparently too late for him because he lives in Germany and is 8 hours ahead of me time-wise. What can I do?



  • t.j-jiminez
    1 Posts
    Thu, Feb 11 2010 12:32 PM

    He Nivlac and Rabl,

    thats not correct this way, we had have conversation and in my way rabl say tomorrow,than this day and so on he is now 1 hour online and writting that to you !!! Nice Job we can have our match already done. Yes there is a big time diff between us but thats not the problem. We had have 6 Days time, nothing happend.

    Rabl thats not gentleman like.

    Question is what can i do ?



    Rabl: You are still online, thanks for that

  • rarbl
    40 Posts
    Thu, Feb 11 2010 2:04 PM

    We agreed on either Wednesday or Friday. I was online wednesday and sent you a message and received no reply. Today I couldn't play during your schedule because I'm a student and have classes. I was just online so I could arrange something with you. I was just concerned because before you said Friday was fine to play, but now you're imposing the restriction that it needs to get done immediately. It sounds like we'll still be able to play our match, even though I'll have to stay up until 2 in the morning to do so. Also, you say we've had 6 days to play our matches, whereas today's only the 4th day we could play. The first two of those days involved trying to get in contact with you.

    - Ra---R---bl

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Thu, Feb 11 2010 11:49 PM

    Keep tryin' guys.  I know the schedules are tough, but you can do it.