piztaker:I got my clubs by doing surveys and offers, why can't you?
I have noticed in these posts over the last year, nobody buys clubs, everybody gets them for free. It is amazing that WGT is still in business
If you gave me clubs for free, I would prefer to stay with regs. Maybe you can understand this. If you take vicotin for pain, you have no pain. If you buy clubs or get them for free, you do not know your skill. I play this game to improve skill level, and everyday I know if I am improving. The clubs disguise your game, you have no idea if it is clubs or skill. I have no desire to see a 60 score by my name, but my enjoyment comes when I beat one of you who use those big clubs, and have a 63 avg by your name. That is the reason for playing, not to disguise your pain, to win with the pain