I hear ya Roger, and for all those listening/reading, please don't take this the wrong way.
In a nutshell, I love Golf. I never went to the range and wrote down anything about my clubs I just learned to hit them got familiar with the distance and played from there. Same as I do here on WGT.
In my opinion, I think that if you are a RL golfer, that's how you play here. You enjoy the challenge of a 20 mph headwind, and can you play the 5 iron with topspin, or 4 iron with BS,,you know just like are you knocking down a club to stay under the wind, or muscling up?
If you are a gamer who doesn't play golf, you have no idea what I mean, but let me put it this way, golfers enjoy the challenge at hand, there is no way to beat the elements, no formula to use from a 100 yards out.
The enjoyment (for me, and I think for players, not gamers) is to say....."hmmn, 100yards out into a 20 mph cross wind, punch the wedge, full lob, short 9 iron?????" then pick the shot and be close to the hole.
Heck, I don't want a Rodney Dangerfield putter (look up Caddyshack), I want to play and have fun.
Hey, ya'll go with the formulas that got you here and will get you to where you want to be, but all you have done is solve a math equation at the end of the day...did you have fun with that?