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Where are they now?

Thu, Dec 13 2012 4:34 PM (34 replies)
  • MioKontic
    4,646 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 12:35 AM

    SM - stop f*rting around and git those beans ready.

    (li - that's what should replace the *, not what you were thinking).

    Disagree???  How dare thee???  In that case, sir, I have no option but to challenge thee to a duel.  At dawn.  (At this point I would slap you across the cheek with a glove, but I don't have a glove handy.  I do have a brick though.  I use it to... oh, never mind).

  • overtheedge
    5,881 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 3:48 AM


    So what happened to Tibbets and Ncviz?  Did they not have friends on here?  Was/is it really that easy to walk away from this game, from the friends they made?  Tibbets finished at the end on January 2010 after being here for 2 years.  Ncviz, although she played a few more sporadic games later, effectively finished beginning of March 2011.

    Or did they?  How can they simply walk away, not so much from the game, but from friends?  Could you?  I know I couldn't.

    Okay. Where to start. I was here when tibbets was here as well as  many, many more great players that have left the game and their virtual friends behind. A couple points I want to make. Keep in mind, everyone is different when it comes to this game. 1.) I think a majority of our great players who left the community, never to look back again, in the simplest terms - got burned out (period). I truly feel it was nothing personal with any of them. The great ones over rode all the childish comments that they had to deal with on a daily basis. They simple pushed there skill to the ultimate limit and one day -"hit a wall". Sure, some tried to get the desire back, but never did and slowly faded away. It's wierd. I have been around for some time now and have experienced a fair amount of players / friends leaving. Some, out right disappear. I have had veeery skilled, hardcore players leave our CC and the game, never to be heard from again. When that happens, it is really strange.

    On the flip side; There are  still great players that have been here as long as I , some even longer and still bang out games "every day". Some are at extreme levels and earnings. They completly love the game and all the "virtual friends" they meet along the way. 

    As for friends, this too is different for everyone. I know players that associate with other players "outside" of the WGT community. I myself have a friend outside of the community. These are real life "friends". But for the majority, these friends we have are "virtual". Yes, there friends, but I think some lose sight in "what kind" of friends. I am very fortunate to have the RL friends that I have. One thing I know for a FACT, not one of my RL friends would just leave and never contact me again. I think being around as long as I have, getting burned by "so called WGT friends", has put RL friends and virtual friends much more in focus.

  • hrvang
    324 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 4:16 AM


  • StrangeMagic
    1,304 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 8:35 PM

    One thing I know for a FACT, not one of my RL friends would just leave and never contact me again.

    Well said Edge !

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 9:12 PM


    One thing I know for a FACT, not one of my RL friends would just leave and never contact me again.

    Well said Edge !




  • BirdieButton
    164 Posts
    Sat, Apr 14 2012 12:38 AM


    Some might say that what happened to Tibbets was Faterson.  But that would be too simple.

    In the summer of 2010 I saw the man off the coast of Bellingham, WA sailing his boat in the Pacific Ocean, sipping a gin & tonic and smoking a good cigar on the fore deck.

    I was a friend of Tibbets until the day he deleted each and all his friends.

    One day his legend will rightfully fall into place alongside Ben Hogan, Bobby Jones, Byron Nelson, Shivas Irons. ......Pete Rose, Martha Stewart


  • Topcat488
    172 Posts
    Sat, Apr 14 2012 2:38 PM


    I didn't know Ncviz. Thus I looked at her profile to see her most recent scores (score history)

    I still think Priestess is by far better.

    Concerning Tibbets, it's stated in the link below that he moved to a state that does not allow him to play for money, so he quit.



    Today is the 1st Anniversary of "Ncviz" last time playing a ranked game. Happy Anni- ver- sary,  Happy Anni- ver- sary.  Happy Anni- ver- sary,   HAAAAP-PY  Anni- versary!!!

  • MioKontic
    4,646 Posts
    Thu, Dec 13 2012 12:07 PM

    With the sad news of StrangeMagic no longer being able to play this game, I remembered this thread I started which I thought was quite apt.  And lo and behold, I only found that the old dog had posted himself.  No, not posted himself, but posted himself.  Glad I cleared that up before anyone got confusabubbled and asked me to explain...  well, it's now in plain and simple English.

    And it's this sort of jibberish - i prefer to call it gobbledygook, for no other reason than it once got me to what I wanted to find on Google... the name of the comedian who has a whole language of his own, a bit like our dear Lizzie, and WGT's common man YancyCan, all three as equally non-understandaling as each other.  Anyway, I couldn't find his name no matter what I tried.  Then someone said "try gobbledygook".  So, with a 0% chance of coming up with anything, let alone the right answer, or so I thought, I proceeded to type it in.  Imagine my surprise when I came up with Stanley Unwin... the comedian in question!

    So anyway, back to what I was saying...
    It's this sort of gobbledygook (the first paragraph I am referring to) that made WGT a fun place to be.  StrangeMagic, LizzieRossetti, YancyCan, Andyson, CanineSupervisor... to name a few who I had tremendous fun with in this forum, and sometimes in games too.

    Since my original post I don't play anywhere near as much, mainly for two reasons; 1) I finally got a job again in July after being unemployed for over 2 years, and 2) one of my dearest friends on WGT, who stuck with me through good times and bad alike, was otherwise engaged elsewhere.  And since her return, her presence here has been sporadic at best, maybe having better things to do.  And with SM on his hiatus an then the sad news of his sight deterioration, I find some of my old friends starting to slip away.  And as I said before, it brings tears to the eyes, the thought of possibly losing touch with such friends.

    It was interesting to read AvatarLee's post in this thread, and then remember that not too long ago he formally retired from WGT.  Very soon another of the game's greats, Priestess, is also going into retirement from WGT.  Most of what I learned was from Tess, and I'll never forget that.

    It's amazing how much things change over a relatively short space of time.  I don't look forward to these kinds of changes.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Thu, Dec 13 2012 2:46 PM

    I'm with ya Mio, canine is trying to heal from a broken neck, Lizzie comes and goes, Yancy is, well yancy. SM will be a precious memory, why must all good things come to an end?Not to take anything away from any of my current friends, but my what a difference. Still have Gsoup, Andyson and the one and only Francois. We can never replace the original band of brothers, we can only move on.

  • rosson1
    169 Posts
    Thu, Dec 13 2012 3:51 PM

    This is a fantastic post and i loved reading all the comments...well done guys. Renni. yes you are an old Squirrel...always love a game with you man!