The terminology needs to get straightened out (even if the shot does not):
When I (a right-hander) hit the ball and it curves to the left it is called a draw, or even a duck draw. When another right-hander hits the ball the same direction it is called a hook (ditto for a lefty curving the ball to the right).
When I hit a ball curving to the right, I am said by me to have hit a fade, or, to more spectacular effect, a banana fade. I will however say that you have hit a slice.
My apologies for my lapse in concentration on my earlier post... I was thinking about something else... Now I am back, and my full attention has returned also...
hey look a quarter...!!!
But I digress.... I think it's great that you straightened out (if not your shots) The terminology for all of us....
Me being a 2 handicap, I've never even heard those terms before... ;)
I hit a draw irl, but my driver fades... seeing as I hit my driver 290-300, I use the fade to control roll..
Wish it was so simple here