I have a kid in 1st grade, and last I checked, nobody was praying in school. Not Christians, not Muslims, not Jews or Buddhists...nobody. You may want to evaluate and verify your sources of information. I personally know several members of our school board here in Houston, play golf with one regularly...no prayer is going on for any religion. Which is the way it should be.
Getting angry and yelling to the masses isn't going to help your cause. When you start yelling and preaching, most are just going to shut you out and write you off as, "another one of those guys". The fact that a mere picture of Obama set you off like this says a lot in itself.
I don't think I need to continue to prove my point on the separation of church and state, as it won't do any good. The thread has already been moderated a couple of times and my guess is it will be shut down soon anyhow.
I wish you the best in your future endeavors....hit 'em strait.