I'm saying this because my opponent and I had balls in close proximity on the green, his turned with the break into hole, whilst break on mine had no effect and ball went wide. Why would this happen unless it was my turn to loose hole?
Think about this section I've quoted - what if that situation happened on a real golf course? Would you think it was "your turn to lose"?
Just as oneeyedjohn said: "no two shots are the same".
We try to make the game as realistic as possible, and that means that physics must come in to play, and that means we have to try to emulate real life physics the best we can.
You are in control of your game, no one else. You may have bad shots some times, or shots won't play out the way you planned them, for varying reasons, but isn't that how real golf plays out?
If you need some tips/advice, there are many players here who have given advice on past threads, and there may even be some that can help you while you play with them. Make some friends and ask for help, you'll be amazed at what you learn :)
Stay Classy,