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Posting in the FORUM?

Sat, Mar 9 2013 5:36 AM (91 replies)
  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 11:25 AM

    deleted by me.  I'm sorry I wasted everyone's time here.


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 11:41 AM

    I will never play enough ( or have the skills) to be a top player.

    I do however enjoy talking ***. I am not alone in this.  :)

  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 12:27 PM

    deleted by me.  Bob

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 2:10 PM

    MAYBE..................that's part of the REASON he's been so successful here on WGT....and is WINNING so often. He's been playing WGT golf instead of writing here in the Forum.  Not sure...........just saying.

    Success is relative and doesn't always mean scoring the best. If one is secure enough to realize that they will never be as whatever it takes to be the best, the next best thing is helping others that don't think that way and endeavor to be up there. That's success, to me. So it takes 12,000 posts, so what? There's several thousand rounds to go with that, too, just for credibility's sake. 

    This is as much a community as it is a golf site. That was one of MisterWGT's goals. Just look at the cast of characters that do frequent the forum and do have thousands of posts-a veritable cross section of a real community. And as for that player with only 1300 posts in 4 years, that's no different than comparing me to Tiger Woods. If I didn't work so much and played as often as he does do you think I would be as good as him? Who would build the kitchens then?  Or accumulate 12,000 posts? ;-)

  • jeffc46221
    621 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 2:20 PM

    This site is more than just some golf game that you go play everyday . This is a community and i for one enjoy that part of it just as much as i do golf. I am not the best player and im very far from it but im ok with all it. No matter how much i post /play. 

  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 2:30 PM

    It seems to me that some WGT members spend WAY too much time posting.
    How would you know what is "WAY too much", how would you judge on the subject?

    What do you know about a person's primary goals? Take me for example - is Tour Legend my goal or is it 5000+ posts first? Is it many friends or the earnings of my CC?

    Which of them would be justified?

    What would be your goal?

    And what is success? Tier? Average? Earnings? Awards?
    or friendship? fun? entertainment? relaxation? oblivion?

    Please come back when you have the One-And-Only answer, or when you have recognized partiality.

    May your day be full of insight and straight hitting! :)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 2:37 PM

    This is as much a community as it is a golf site

    100% agree with YJ and the quote above sums it up.

    Would I be a better player if I did not post in the forums? Perhaps I would be, as from what you say Bob, that the time spent posting would have been spent playing. However I post mainly from work, where I do not play so in my case probably not.

    But I can thank, and have done in the past, the community for THEIR help in making me a better player, and in turn I now try and help players where possible. No I will never be one of the greats, I am just an average player who loves the game and I feel part of the community. I could play 24 hours a day and never be one of the Elite (for whom I admire for their tenacity and dedication to be at the top.

  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 7:30 PM

    OK, "Alosso".............I'm back and I have your ANSWER

    It's simple really.

    #1.........Eliminate ALL game SCORES (Includes - ranked round, Blitz, Alt. shot,              Matches, CTTH & Tournament  scores.  This also includes eliminating ALL "AVERAGES" of of all members!!!

    #2.........Eliminate ALL.....TIERS.

    #3.........WGT should NOT allow anyone to upgrade their clubs or balls...even better......Confiscate ALL WGT golf equipment from EVERY WGT member.

    #4.........All Country Clubs should be eliminated.

    #5..........Eliminate ALL "Awards" that members have rec'd from WGT.

    #6.........All WGT members shall relinquish 100% of their Credits back to WGT.

    #7.........All WGT Members (who wish to remain members) MUST watch at least (100 TV Ad's per day & do a minimum of 30 Surveys pe day).

    #8.........All WGT Members shall be REQUIRED to post at LEAST (25) comments per DAY in the FORUM section (to maintain their WGT membership in good standing).

    THEN.....Change the name of this site from WGT to FACE BOOK!!!!!


  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2013 2:32 AM

    *smiles towards Bob*

    That's no wonder: One answer due to 15 questions...