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Posting in the FORUM?

Sat, Mar 9 2013 5:36 AM (91 replies)
  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2013 5:03 AM

    Geeez Bob, I remember trying to help you all I could when you were moving up. I must be one of the members who talk too much. It shows by how I'm struggling to improve. I will see if I can refrain from multiple daily posts, and start losing more of my over priced Nike balls by getting better. Just yanking your chain man, no malice intended.

  • Grandelf
    588 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2013 6:32 AM

    I rarely have posted in forums for the simple reason that many sit like birds of prey....or better put vultures looking for ANY reason to then attack. Why? Perhaps out of crayons or Teletubbies aren't on, I don't know.

    There is no right or wrong answer to all of this, when is posting too much etc. There are some GREAT people here. Yet to say this is a family one only need read the responses to many points made, often with sarcasm ( Thus I feel totally justified in things said ) rather than to simply agree or disagree. Far better to offer a different angle in which to look at things than try and belittle someone and the opinion shared.

    Is THAT a family atmosphere? In my life "family" meant closeness, respect not scorn and ridicule. Before any of us including myself become so critical of every nuance in a post, ( I once tried to voice my opinion and the first reply was I didn't have enough paragraphs? LOL )  Perhaps step back and ponder this word family and honestly ask ourselves if that is indeed the atmosphere the feeling one gets? Read most any page and check the replies and it will not take long to see the almighty ones come swooping off their perch to then attack in ANY way they can find.

    That's not about posting, too much posting, it's about having too much time to spend on the attack. To those wolves in the pack I say take up needle point, meditation...something.

    Oh, and with a familial filled heart I say thank you....

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2013 8:27 AM

    Is THAT a family atmosphere?

    There's a difference between a family atmosphere and a community. A community is always going to have polar opposites, manners vs no manners, intelligence vs ignorance, etc., and that is certainly present here. Couple that without thinking twice before posting and things do get lively sometimes. That's what happens in communities. No big deal, nobody's dying over it.  :-)


  • 7thwave
    556 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2013 8:50 AM


    Uh, Bob; he asked for the "one & only" answer. Looks like you overshot just a bit.


    The number 42 is the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything (including Golf i then assume).........

  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2013 10:39 AM

    Hello "alosso"..............I'm GLAD that you were OK with my "humorous" ANSWER.  I was actually laughing at MYSELF........*smile*.  You made some VERY GOOD points in YOUR comment. 

    Best Regards,


  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2013 10:54 AM

    Hi Rich...........YES, you kindly offered me SO MUCH help (and coaching) back when I was a Tour Master (and Callaway balls that you generously sent my way to help me improve my game)......while I was fighting every day to make it to the Legend Tier.  I wish THANK YOU once again, Rich.....for all your encouragement, gifting me balls and your WGT wisdom! *smile*

    I HAVE to YOU, alosso and ohers who read my original post about "Posting in the FORUM"..........i have made some GREAT FRIENDS here on WGT.  So, YES, WGT......IS more than just a "golfing website game"'s a community of a LOT of incredible people too!!!  I appreciate "alosso".....and YOU....for reminding me of that fact.

    Rich.....I sort of cleaned out most of my friends list last month.....and started anew.  Please accept a NEW friendship "invite" from me....OK?

    Kind Regards,


  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2013 10:58 AM

    Thank you Bob! Have fun!!

  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2013 11:06 AM
    Uh........"hyena64"........BUT, according to the World of "42"...."The ultimate question itself is unknown". *smile* And also....when I DO post in the FORUM or write an e-mail,'ll RARELY find that it's "brief".....LOL. To some degree, I blame that on the U.S. Navy for teaching me how to TYPE back in 1970.....Ha! So, when my mind gets to going do my fingers on the keyboard. Hey....I DID give alosso ONE answer.........................just felt like I needed to "qualify" it.....*smile*
  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2013 2:03 PM

    Geeeeeez Louise, I am thick skinned and take nothing to heart. My friends have talked smack and put me in my place when needed. We can laugh, have a beer, and a big hug the next minute. Yes, I hug my friends, I don't know where their hands have been. And we aren't embarrassed or ashamed of it. I hug my Dad and my sons. Dad is 85, how many hugs are left? The forums can be a hug too.