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Ball durability...

Sat, Jul 30 2016 7:37 AM (29 replies)
  • TheSpaghettiKid
    424 Posts
    Mon, Jun 9 2014 4:22 PM
    Nike 20XI-X (L48+) 2.5-dot 120 5.7 Rd/ball 4.29 Rd/$ twominusone
    Nike 20XI-X (L71+) 2.5-dot 120 5.7 Rd/ball 3.81 Rd/$

    * It is calculated based on 21 hits per 9-hole round (par 36 with 67% green-in-regulation).
    ** This is the number of 9-hole rounds you can play with every dollar (or 100 credits) you spend on the type of balls (base price).

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    I wanted to figure out cost per round so here goes...

    Based on 100% GIR (par 35) or any combination of 34 hits (one par 5 reached in 2 + one miss green etc). 

    Twelve Par 4 (24 hits) + Four Par 3 (4 hits) + Two Par 5 (6 hits) = 34 hits

    $4.00 L48 XI ......................... =  $0.37 rd
    $4.50 L71 XI ......................... =  $0.42 rd
    $5.50 L81 XI RZN ................ =  $0.52 rd
    $6.50 L90 RZN PLATINUM  =  $0.61 rd
    $7.00 L90 RZN BLACK ...... =  $0.66 rd

    Divide by 2 for 9 hole cost ;-)


    L48 = $1.33 per ball ($4.00/3)
    L71 = $1.50
    L81 = $1.83
    L90 = $2.16
    L90 = $2.33

    Based on 100% GIR (or combination of 34 hits per 18)
    (34 hits of 120 = 28%)
    28% of $1.83 = $0.52 (L81)
    3.5 Eighteen hole rounds

    Based on 89% GIR (2 missed per 18)
    (36 hits of 120 = 30%)
    30% of 1.83 = $0.55 (L81)
    3.3 Eighteen hole rounds

    Based on 78% GIR (4 missed per 18)
    (38 hits of 120 = 31.6%)
    31.6% of $1.83 = $0.58 (L81)
    3.15 Eighteen hole rounds

    Based on 67% GIR (6 missed per 18)
    (40 hits of 120 = 33%)
    33% of $1.83 = $0.61 (L81)
    3 Eighteen hole rounds

  • alberich35
    858 Posts
    Thu, Oct 8 2015 7:20 AM

    All branded balls with 2.5 dots of durability have 120 hits of life.


    No need mathematicians to understand that more they are priced more they cost.

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Thu, Oct 8 2015 7:47 AM

    No need mathematicians to understand that more they are priced more they cost.


    Things that are expensive cost a lot of money? Who would have thunk it?  ;-)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Oct 8 2015 12:07 PM

    Based on 67% GIR (6 missed per 18)
    (40 hits of 120 = 33%)
    33% of $1.83 = tiny_mce_marker.61 (L81)
    3 Eighteen hole rounds

    At 67% advice is to switch to callys or cheaper.

    But is still pretty cheap form of entertainment, and one in which we can control our spend.

  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Thu, Oct 8 2015 12:23 PM

    Nike 20XI-X (L48+) 2.5-dot 120 5.7 Rd/ball 4.29 Rd/$ twominusone
    Nike 20XI-X (L71+) 2.5-dot 120 5.7 Rd/ball 3.81 Rd/$

    * It is calculated based on 21 hits per 9-hole round (par 36 with 67% green-in-regulation).
    ** This is the number of 9-hole rounds you can play with every dollar (or 100 credits) you spend on the type of balls (base price).

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    I wanted to figure out cost per round so here goes...

    Based on 100% GIR (par 35) or any combination of 34 hits (one par 5 reached in 2 + one miss green etc). 

    Twelve Par 4 (24 hits) + Four Par 3 (4 hits) + Two Par 5 (6 hits) = 34 hits

    $4.00 L48 XI ......................... =  $0.37 rd
    $4.50 L71 XI ......................... =  $0.42 rd
    $5.50 L81 XI RZN ................ =  $0.52 rd
    $6.50 L90 RZN PLATINUM  =  $0.61 rd
    $7.00 L90 RZN BLACK ...... =  $0.66 rd

    Divide by 2 for 9 hole cost ;-)


    L48 = $1.33 per ball ($4.00/3)
    L71 = $1.50
    L81 = $1.83
    L90 = $2.16
    L90 = $2.33

    Based on 100% GIR (or combination of 34 hits per 18)
    (34 hits of 120 = 28%)
    28% of $1.83 = $0.52 (L81)
    3.5 Eighteen hole rounds

    Based on 89% GIR (2 missed per 18)
    (36 hits of 120 = 30%)
    30% of 1.83 = $0.55 (L81)
    3.3 Eighteen hole rounds

    Based on 78% GIR (4 missed per 18)
    (38 hits of 120 = 31.6%)
    31.6% of $1.83 = $0.58 (L81)
    3.15 Eighteen hole rounds

    Based on 67% GIR (6 missed per 18)
    (40 hits of 120 = 33%)
    33% of $1.83 = $0.61 (L81)
    3 Eighteen hole rounds

    But, on the other hand, all that goes out the window when you put it in the water, or lose it in the brush.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Thu, Oct 8 2015 2:21 PM

    $4.00 L48 XI ......................... =  $0.37 rd 
    $4.50 L71 XI ......................... =  $0.42 rd
    $5.50 L81 XI RZN ................ =  $0.52 rd
    $6.50 L90 RZN PLATINUM  =  $0.61 rd
    $7.00 L90 RZN BLACK ...... =  $0.66 rd

    ......I think the justification may be that. although it's more expensive per round with the higher level balls, they allow for a "better" round, or enable a better score....not sure though.


  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Fri, Oct 9 2015 6:27 PM

    I want to know how long what I am paying for is going to last.

    Do you get that with real golf balls, or any other product for that matter?


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2015 9:17 PM


    I want to know how long what I am paying for is going to last.

    Do you get that with real golf balls, or any other product for that matter?

    Do you realize he asked the question in April 2013, or that AFAIK he hasn't played since December 2013 for that matter?

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sun, Oct 11 2015 12:31 PM


    You can bet others think the same way the quoted player did/does. You apparently don't get that my reply speaks to current  players and not to the player I quoted.


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sun, Oct 11 2015 12:59 PM


    I want to know how long what I am paying for is going to last.

    Do you get that with real golf balls, or any other product for that matter?

    You can bet others think the same way the quoted player did/does. You apparently don't get that my reply speaks to current  players and not to the player I quoted.

    And that last reply by Apex is speaking to......? I can't tell any more.  Here I thought if you reply to a quote the poster is addressing the person quoted.

    I'm speaking now to current players, not to the player I quoted.
