As ever alosso thank you for the feedback. The trail I have chosen to follow is a lonely one as I don't play any competitive matches. Now this is a means to an end ie getting to Level 79 as quickly as possible so that I can finally rid myself of the last of the starter gear. Therefore such input on this thread is invaluable. I hope that when I have got to where I'm going you would do me the honour of knocking a few balls around with me..
Atlanti, ditto really. You were one of the early people to welome me to the game and I remain in your debt. Re the club selection I'm still stuck with the starter pitching wedge which, at 90ds, gives me the same distance as the Ping wedge I bought. Therefore logic dictates using the hybrid as the last club in my bag. Until I upgrade my irons (please, please let that be soon) of course. Re my GIR, scrambling and sand save percentages, yes they are very poor. But as the wise man once said "there are lies, damn lies and statistics".. The figures I have are of my total time on the game. Whilst a lot of work is required, my GIR for instance has climbed from 60% after 61 days of playing to 63% after 81, so it is improving. Not that I'll be troubling any Legends for a goodly while yet!
BlackGibbon. Very kind and encouraging words, thank you. Shot management with the starter irons has to arguably be more thoughtful than playing with some say RocketBladez, which I'm assuming will give the opportunity to attack more pins, with their ability to stop the ball this century. Again I would be honoured to play a round with you when I have curtailed my single minded pursuit of Level climbing.
In fact that goes for everyone who has been so kind to help me thus far.
All the best, Fekdrink.