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Thu, Jun 27 2013 11:52 AM (83 replies)
  • HesheeDucky
    35 Posts
    Thu, May 16 2013 2:07 PM

    All of these drivers getting dropped in above my head or below my feet and i'm ready to have my account disabled.  i have been a legend since early level 70.  It's ridiculous i beat a few legends match play and was moved from TM to legend after about three days.  The best driver i have access to is this stupid L88 R11 that is two years old...CHANGE THIS ASAP.   I could care less what anyone says about "drive for show" putt for dough.  number one when i live in the fescue, weeds and rough, putting doesn't matter because i'm not getting on the green in time to putt lol.  I am a player who would buy every new club that came out if it improved my score,  but i'm stuck with this garbage R11 and these pathetic rocketbladez irons.  just had to get that out after losing three nike balls lol

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Thu, May 16 2013 3:12 PM

    I could care less what anyone says about "drive for show" putt for dough.

    Well, since you say that you "could" care less, I'll say this.  Just think about how good your short game will be when you do reach the level needed for the next driver.  Oh yea, and remember to putt for dough.  :)


    Btw..... I am poor.  lol

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, May 16 2013 11:46 PM

    You and me came through about the same way I think.  Thinking back my average was like 61.4 and beating a couple of legends must have tipped it.  i just played because I liked it, not having any interest in PC games beyond setting up stuff for the kids over the year's. Amazes me these people that think to join a CC after two week's / double checking about how RGs work if progress to next tier within a month..........I was just switching on and playing, not looking at anything apart from the candy shop and courses. But then the last time a computer game got me was the 16 bit Mega Drive version LOL.................

    I digress - sorry!

    Not trying to poor salt on the wounds (I have the annoying R11 as well) your driving accuracy ain't bad. I don't think it's as bad as you do but clearly the R11S must be that bit better, but we can't have it til L94...........Personally the R11 shades it over the G20.....

    The Bladez I never found as bad you do, in fact thought pretty good, BUT I will say once you get the L90 R11s, no going back once bedded in.   I suffered an initial bump, but scores going slowly in right direction now!

    I am the first to agree that driver wise the Pro Shop needs a great big shake up upper level wood wise.  The good egg Pro that used to sell the R11S at L90 got replaced by a short sighted bean counter! They have so much room in empty shelf land all around here it baffles me!!!

    Even if the non golfing, incumbent, Pro kindly agreed to SELL (as in added revenue lol) everything to Tour Legends (meant be the cream? and OK to get a reward for that in my book) it would be difficult to complain. Absurdly it's not even that laterally thought out, and so the bemoaned, antiquated policy lingers (talking TL) .............So many revenue neutral, at worst, ways obviously round this but..............! I praise WGT where I think due, but sorry none due here IMO. And to the OP no harm in letting them know another does not agree with this policy! 

    Plug away and L90 will happen, and it is better scoring wise with the R11 irons - excellent set! 

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 2:50 AM

    I agree more drivers should be available (or to the point, suitable) for legends, however you can compete with lesser drivers and irons (a lot of us did) as shown in your score history and stats. And I do agree that the gap between 88 and 94 is a hell of a lot of XP but certainly there is no need for greater distance or more forgiving drivers IMO.

    Also bear in mind MOST legends are in or have been in the same position as you.

    Whether ANY club should be available has merits and negatives but unless clubs became Tier restricted only rather than the level system I am OK with the current system although this is by no means an ideal system. So look at it as your reward for playing when you can finally get the best equipment.

    As for matchplay wins against legends, I personally have no problem that these players are tiered up - there are a lot of sandbaggers with top equipment teeing off way in front of the legends. Sure a lucky win or a bad day by the legend should have little impact, but when you can do it often then the system works IMO.

    To me it sounds like you are bored and frustrated with your game, so why not try playing a different course than St Andrews which seem to account for 90% of your rounds - if I only played one course that much I would be bored very quickly.

  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 5:53 AM

    I feel shure there will be a ping driver coming alone soon to fill this gap. As the op said, the rll driver is very unforgiving. I used the g20 driver for a good while and loved it. May won't to consider g20 until other ping driver shows up. Have Fun.

  • Jresh0817
    1,414 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 7:08 AM



    I feel shure there will be a ping driver coming alone soon to fill this gap. As the op said, the rll driver is very unforgiving. I used the g20 driver for a good while and loved it. May won't to consider g20 until other ping driver shows up. Have Fun.



    I actually prefer the G20 over the R11 driver....The G20 level 81 Driver is a very good driver imo...The R11 is less forgiving and  only  out drives the G20 by a few yards..


  • jeepie411
    3,197 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 7:15 AM

    If clubs were available as tier specific it sure might help against the sandbaggers who are level 90 masters and the like. 


    Another beef is with the TM ATV wedges at levels 86, 87 and 89. It takes an average player almost a month to go from level 86 to level 87, then maybe 2 more months to get the level 89 wedge which is the one that most of us would use the most. These are the only wedges with a slower speed meter and when players ask about  clubs the WGT moderators are always suggesting to get clubs with a similar speed meter (unless they are suggesting clearing your cache and trying a new browser).

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 7:29 AM

    nothing wrong with the L88 R11 ...

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 7:33 AM

      I have the G20s and am contemplating the R11 at 88 but if it is as horrible as everyone says then i will probably just stick with the G20 and get the R11 3wd.  I would prefer the R11 driver simply for meter speed sake as it would even my entire bag out minus my putter.

    I guess I just want to play devils advocate a bit. The thing I see is how come at levels 30 to like 60 or 70 the players have a mountain of choices. They can get clubs with low precision high forgiveness and vice versa, clubs that go varying lengths, some clubs even have a fair amount of both precision and forgiveness. You have slow meter speeds to fast depending on your preference.  You have people at lvl 48, who are probably amateurs or pros, that can buy an r1 driver that goes 275 yards and has great forgiveness and precision. So my question is, why can't the people at higher levels and higher tiers experience that same amount of choice and variety.  There are 5 different areas that have the 5 dot rating system, plus you have trajectory, not to mention all clubs seem to have there little quirks or variances.

    By the time someone reaches level 80+ they are pretty much locked into the game and they are probably credit spending machines. Granted, if they are good, they probably win a lot of those credits, but the credits are still in the system and someone probably bought them, so chances are if you had new clubs coming out every couple of levels, these players would probably buy them and at a minimum rent them.

    I do understand there are far more players at the lower levels, that as you get higher there are less available customers, so not saying we need the same amount of clubs and again this was just to throw out a couple of different sides to the discussion.

    I am personally good either way. I like my big G20 woods and my rbladez irons, but I am also open to the possibility of other stuff so why not just throw a few bones out there and see what happens as I am sure that I am not the only way, especially based on this thread


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 8:14 AM


    nothing wrong with the L88 R11 ...
