relax man im not here to pick fights - i love UL just as much as u do, i only said that cos what came up didnt appeal to me - if it appeals to everyone else so be it. i appreciate the time and effort everyone that volunteers puts in the community 100% and i got no bone to pick with you there.
personally i rarely play anything over 300c - seems i get burnt everytime i try lol but thats just me. id love to see more 100c ones on the flatter courses - that would being out more first timers and encourage more ppl to try it. we all know it needs more work and finetuning - so th flatter courses should be more benign and more enjoyable for newbies. for example im finding that long irons and woods are less affected by lies than short irons and wedges - thats not realistic. no way in hell that a 13y pitch can go left or right 7-8y left or right of the target. it happens a lot as im off the green a lot :(
anyway i would definately make most of them low credit till wgt fixes and tones down some of the crazy stuff that happens with wedges and short irons.
places like bpb and kiawah are good to have permanently in the rotation, oakmont as well as it seems to not react as much as other hilly courses.
places like merion and oly - get in a bunker and u dont come out - thats not right lol
dont even mention the 70/80 brush i happen to get into more than not.