Very true too, but iI just think WGT looks at it a lot more linear. They don't go chasing down through multiple levels trying to find the money. The allow a tourney like the WGT tour to pay out big because they have directly received ad dollars for them.
In the end they are gonna run it like a business and do what is fiscally best for them and a lot, if not mos,t of the times that isn't gonna line up with what we all want.
I would agree wholeheartedly with this and his previous post.
Credits are either bought or they are sponsored in some way. Purchased credits are definitely a one-to-one affair, in that WGT has determined a 10:1 ratio of credits to dollars works for them.
Sponsored credits, on the other hand, just might not be. That would mean they have to make wise business decisions on how to make them available. And those decisions aren't going to please everyone.
Like a company faced with having to reduce expenses or shut the doors. They could lay off 5% of the labor force or they could impose a 20% pay cut across the board or they could close the doors. No matter what they decide, someone is not going to be happy. But 100% employee satisfaction is not their goal when it comes to making such important decisions. They have to think of the long term health of the company. They have to think about the short term health of the company. They have to consider some employees might leave. They have to consider that too many employees might leave.
It's not an easy job. Managing WGT is no different.