Wontonamo:who actually chooses these new RGs????
... good luck with those funky UL choices too lol
skunkyone420:dude wtf is up with all these unevens? then u add a new cabo uneven? dumb dumb dumb
There's a saying in my family, that "if you have nothing kind or helpful to say, say nothing." I sometimes wonder if this would be a good mantra for these forums... ;)
Skunky: judging by your score history, you don't ever play unevens. Why is this a concern to you? Are you, and others, somehow threatened because there's a growing group of people that do enjoy the additional challenge of UEL?
Wontonamo et al: as I've explained in several other threads, I've actually been helping to suggest new UEL RGs... as a volunteer. I'll repeat that: I'm volunteering my time to help out in this way. Comments like yours, especially in light of requests to provide constructive criticism, are hurtful, and undermine the efforts of those genuinely trying to help improve this game for everyone in the community.
By definition, UEL RGs appeal to those looking for an extra challenge. Of course they're not going to turnover quite as quickly as the flat-lie versions. But, so long as they're clearly identified as UEL, they shouldn't be a problem for anyone else.
If you do have constructive criticisms to make, I'd love to hear them. I've attempted to be clear and transparent in my process, and I have a panel of UEL players I consult with before forwarding each month's suggestions on to WGT. I've outlined a rubric (see below) by which I think these tourneys could be selected, and if that pattern is followed, then an interesting and balanced set should result each month.
Yes, there will be some that fill every day or two (the 50cr ones, often where par may get your stake back), others that take a week or so, and a higher-stakes one or two that might take several weeks or all month. And that's fine! Given that UEL players don't get any major events (e.g. there is no Virtual Tour involving unevens; there have been no WGT Nation UEL events for nearly a year; etc, etc), a high-stakes UEL RG each month is about the only high-profile 'Major' we have.
Here's the rubric for anyone that's truly interested:
Corwyn:Here are some suggestions for Uneven Lies ReadyGo's...
With Unevens, why not an ongoing range of 4 types such as:
The Old Man Par challenge :: 50 cr :: 9 holes at Olympic, Oakmont, or RSG (among the toughest of courses for unevens)
The Newbie challenge :: 100-200 cr :: for those keen to try uneven lies but wanting to do it on a course they know well (so how about making those as 18 holers on what seem to be the most popular 2 courses: St Andrews & Kiawah) [for instance, the St A's version filled quickly enough at 100 cr back in the early summer)
The Test Your Mettle challenge :: 200-300 cr :: full 18 at one of the tougher courses, Olympic, Royal St. George's, Oakmont, or Best of Hardest for example, or even the more technical challenge of Congressional.
A Higher-Stakes Cognoscenti challenge :: 300-500 cr :: for the real addicts: a full 18 on one of Merion, Cabo, Whistler, for instance, or Olympic or Oakmont if they're not in play in one of the other iterations.
And, just to restate this: there is a high-stakes Merion RG that WGT set up last month incorrectly: ID #64061 is not uneven lies. So, if any players out there want a high-stakes RG in flat-lies, they should play that. Right now, it just needs 10 more participants.
ID#64938 1000cr UEL RG at Merion is the proper uneven lies one.