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The new RG list

Fri, Sep 5 2014 6:40 AM (152 replies)
  • skunkyone420
    173 Posts
    Wed, May 7 2014 10:02 AM

    Skunky: judging by your score history, you don't ever play unevens. Why is this a concern to you? Are you, and others, somehow threatened because there's a growing group of people that do enjoy the additional challenge of UEL?


    exactly my point. there could be more even lies rg's. higher stakes anyway. alot of people dont play unevens. unlike yourself. so of course your gonna comment on this. because u like unevens. and threatened? nahhh. i just dont play them cause i honestly dont really know how.

  • SOYEL1
    698 Posts
    Wed, May 7 2014 10:11 AM


    .... i just dont play them cause i honestly dont really know how.

    This, and because I don't want to play  a lottery. Aim 30 yards right for my wedge shot to go 30 yards left of the hole. Tried them and they sucked ... and I sucked as well. I don't know if they fixed them but they were an exaggeration, and I already have enough trouble trying to get the even ones right.

  • skunkyone420
    173 Posts
    Wed, May 7 2014 10:17 AM



    .... i just dont play them cause i honestly dont really know how.

    This, and because I don't want to play  a lottery. Aim 30 yards right for my wedge shot to go 30 yards left of the hole. Tried them and they sucked ... and I sucked as well. I don't know if they fixed them but they were an exaggeration, and I already have enough trouble trying to get the even ones right.


    exactly. thanks for your input. obviously someone got a little "hurt" by what i said. sorry if i hurt ya bud


  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Wed, May 7 2014 3:30 PM


    By definition, UEL RGs appeal to those looking for an extra challenge. Of course they're not going to turnover quite as quickly as the flat-lie versions. But, so long as they're clearly identified as UEL, they shouldn't be a problem for anyone else.

    Yes, there will be some that fill every day or two (the 50cr ones, often where par may get your stake back), others that take a week or so, and a higher-stakes one or two that might take several weeks or all month. And that's fine! Given that UEL players don't get any major events (e.g. there is no Virtual Tour involving unevens; there have been no WGT Nation UEL events for nearly a year; etc, etc), a high-stakes UEL RG each month is about the only high-profile 'Major' we have.


    Well said, sir.

    To the complainers:  I don't believe that anybody is running out of flat RGs to play.  Until that happens and we are certain that WGT can only run a limited number of RGs at any time, there's no reason to complain about any of the RG offerings.

    If more high stakes RGs are desired, it doesn't have to be at the expense of uneven RGs or even cheap RGs.  Just ask for more high stakes RGs.

    I'm delighted to see UEL RGs on both Cabo and Whistler.  Lies are a critical component of Whistler's defenses, and playing it flat is like playing RSG without bunkers or Merion without nasty rough.  Cabo's mile-wide fairways fight back a little, too.  I wish I could go into more detail, but I've only had the chance to play 36 holes of UEL on that Cabo ever.  Those of you who don't play unevens might not be aware that the only way to play those courses in uneven mode is through an official  WGT tournament.


  • Agassi1991
    777 Posts
    Wed, May 7 2014 4:12 PM



    I have nothing against the group, who likes playing UEL RG. Full respect...

    BUT what I don't understand is why there isn't any even lies RG's high stakes anymore??!!

    Have a nice day.


  • Wontonamo
    2,269 Posts
    Wed, May 7 2014 4:28 PM

    relax man im not here to pick fights - i love UL just as much as u do, i only said that cos what came up didnt appeal to me - if it appeals to everyone else so be it. i appreciate the time and effort everyone that volunteers puts in the community 100% and i got no bone to pick with you there.

    personally i rarely play anything over 300c - seems i get burnt everytime i try lol but thats just me. id love to see more 100c ones on the flatter courses - that would being out more first timers and encourage more ppl to try it. we all know it needs more work and finetuning - so th flatter courses should be more benign and more enjoyable for newbies.  for example im finding that long irons and woods are less affected by lies than short irons and wedges - thats not realistic. no way in hell that a 13y pitch can go left or right 7-8y left or right of the target. it happens a lot as im off the green a lot :(

    anyway i would definately make most of them low credit till wgt fixes and tones down some of the crazy stuff that happens with wedges and short irons.

    places like bpb and kiawah are good to have permanently in the rotation, oakmont as well as it seems to not react as much as other hilly courses.

    places like merion and oly - get in a bunker and u dont come out - thats not right lol

    dont even mention the 70/80 brush i happen to get into more than not.


  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Wed, May 7 2014 5:10 PM




    I have nothing against the group, who likes playing UEL RG. Full respect...

    BUT what I don't understand is why there isn't any even lies RG's high stakes anymore??!!

    Have a nice day.


    #64061 Merion Full 18 Ready Go is an EVEN lie RG .... despite being identified as an uneven lies competition. They person in charge of writing the titles for the tournaments made a mistake in labeling it, and its never been changed.

  • Agassi1991
    777 Posts
    Wed, May 7 2014 6:24 PM


    I know!

    But guess it was a mistake made by WGT. There was not suppose to be any RG even lies high stakes...    But again only a feeling.


  • mmyers0
    478 Posts
    Thu, May 8 2014 7:29 AM


    I'm delighted to see UEL RGs on both Cabo and Whistler.  Lies are a critical component of Whistler's defenses, and playing it flat is like playing RSG without bunkers or Merion without nasty rough.

    We do play Merion without nasty rough, thanks to the insane accuracy of every high-level driver on WGT.


    Anyway, I'd like to say that I appreciate the tiered UEL tournaments, Corwyn; I know I can't compete with Tour Legends, but for 9 holes I can stay with most Legends. I was surprised that my 65 wasn't even enough to get back the entry fee in the 300cr Oakmont 18 RG, but overall I've made up for it in the Whistler front 9.

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Fri, May 9 2014 12:34 AM

    Thanks mm. I agree! It has been fun to have these first-ever tiered UEL RGs (to add to the free weekly ones). I did forward suggestions for 2 Legend-specific RGs this month, but they haven't been implemented... yet.

    I'm intrigued by your Whistler comment. A super score to be revealed soon perhaps... ? I just walked off the course having once again failed to birdie #9. This time I didn't notice I no longer had the 3W in hand for my 2nd (after using pitch view to check green contours), and was about to celebrate a beautiful ding heading in the perfect direction when I saw it come up into deep rough 35 yards short. Oops! My wedge in left me this putt... oh dear!


    And, Agassi, glad to see that you did tackle the flat-lie high-stakes RG @ Merion (the full story was that it was supposed to be unevens but was created without the right lie setting, and then they couldn't remove it, or relabel it. When they added another one, properly set up this time, it ended up adding to the confusion!). Anyway, congrats on a great score and your tie for 3rd!