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The new RG list

Fri, Sep 5 2014 6:40 AM (152 replies)
  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Sun, Feb 23 2014 11:06 AM

    I sort of get where your coming from jsweeter,but all the credits i have won or have in the bank, somewhere down the line has come from other people that have paid into the system.Dont see how me making mine in rg's or mp down line winning them as any different from the people that do pay.people pay for credits the top players win it off them,and they have to pay for more credits. essentially that's what's happening

    I'm saving up in the hope the elite collection at some point puts something worthwhile in like 1 night with beyonce


  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Sun, Feb 23 2014 11:47 AM

    I'm saving up in the hope the elite collection at some point puts something worthwhile in like 1 night with beyonce


    Very true too, but iI just think WGT looks at it a lot more linear.  They don't go chasing down through multiple levels trying to find the money. The allow a tourney like the WGT tour to pay out big because they have directly received ad dollars for them.

    I guess its kind of like a big pyramid scheme for credits. Maybe we should get the FTC involved and have em outted like Bernie Madoff

    In the end they are gonna run it like a business and do what is fiscally best for them and a lot, if not mos,t of the times that isn't gonna line up with what we all want.

    Enjoy your evening with Beyonce, hopefully Jay Z doesn't get too pissed with you

  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Sun, Feb 23 2014 12:54 PM


    I'm saving up in the hope the elite collection at some point puts something worthwhile in like 1 night with beyonce



    Enjoy your evening with Beyonce, hopefully Jay Z doesn't get too pissed with you

    Jay Z can watch,i'm not shy ;-)

  • BubbaSauce
    260 Posts
    Mon, Feb 24 2014 4:52 AM


    Very true too, but iI just think WGT looks at it a lot more linear.  They don't go chasing down through multiple levels trying to find the money. The allow a tourney like the WGT tour to pay out big because they have directly received ad dollars for them.

    In the end they are gonna run it like a business and do what is fiscally best for them and a lot, if not mos,t of the times that isn't gonna line up with what we all want.

    I would agree wholeheartedly with this and his previous post.

    Credits are either bought or they are sponsored in some way. Purchased credits are definitely a one-to-one affair, in that WGT has determined a 10:1 ratio of credits to dollars works for them.

    Sponsored credits, on the other hand, just might not be. That would mean they have to make wise business decisions on how to make them available. And those decisions aren't going to please everyone.

    Like a company faced with having to reduce expenses or shut the doors. They could lay off 5% of the labor force or they could impose a 20% pay cut across the board or they could close the doors. No matter what they decide, someone is not going to be happy. But 100% employee satisfaction is not their goal when it comes to making such important decisions. They have to think of the long term health of the company. They have to think about the short term health of the company. They have to consider some employees might leave. They have to consider that too many employees might leave.

    It's not an easy job. Managing WGT is no different.

    119 Posts
    Mon, Feb 24 2014 6:37 AM



    I'm saving up in the hope the elite collection at some point puts something worthwhile in like 1 night with beyonce



    Enjoy your evening with Beyonce, hopefully Jay Z doesn't get too pissed with you

    Jay Z can watch,i'm not shy ;-)

    +1 can i join im not shy too ;)



  • bretbretbret
    293 Posts
    Tue, Feb 25 2014 9:23 PM

    I still think all of this could be fixed if everyone who enters a single elimination tourney has to play the same wind set.  I get that in unlimited tourneys the winds should change for each round - but single play tourneys should have the same winds for each player to let skill be the main component in who wins and not let luck be the driving force.

    Spot on Spam !

    WGT are trying to make this game as realistic as possible by letting the wind set be random like real life, but ( some people may need to close their eyes ) this is not real life...its a game, the wind is controllable & should be the same for each & every player who enters an RG. 

    Doing a good job WGT, just need a little fine tuning every now & then. 

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 3:07 PM

    Amidst all the concerns about the new update (and yes, I too dislike the large putting grid dots which damage the beautiful aesthetic of the game IMO, and I miss the use of the grid from distance)... I want to give a thank you to WGT for one aspect of the new RG list:

    There are more UEL RGs, and a really nice range of them too.

    I'm hoping the Oakmont and Olympic ones are held on for a while too (i.e. that they're not close to expiring) as they're a fantastic test in UEL.

    And if the damn meter could just behave itself I'd be playing in all of them!

  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Sat, Mar 15 2014 5:22 PM

    I guess we got bumped on high stakes rg's,3 months now and nothing,nice to see WGT bump tons of players up to tour legend with thee old yellow tee's comps a while back.Bring all the new clubs and balls in to make everyone play better and throw us all to the wolves and try make there money out of new guys

    Off to the scrap heap or is it?

    could restart or cheat,that's now allowed isn't it ;-)

    If i start a new account called caviar would i get mixed up with cadaviars 2nd account in all his rg's,would it be nice to have 2 cracks at every cherry 


  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Sat, Mar 15 2014 7:20 PM

    Been saying that for a good time now says he has 2 friends but only has one. So that first is the first account but wgt wont tell it but guess if he let them know then its legal.

  • DrShelby
    23 Posts
    Sun, Mar 16 2014 3:44 PM
